Chapter 7 Partners

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        I had to wake up early this morning so I could get my wounds cleaned again. As Mom places the new bandage on my face she looked at my face. "Why don't you wince or make any facial expressions. Doesn't it hurt" she asked "yeah it hurts, but I'm kinda use to it. Just like Dallas, Dominic, and Tony are" I tell her as she closes the kit. "So this isn't the first time something like this happened" Mom asked as she put the first-aid kit up.
        I was shocked by her words I thought she knew. "You and Dad are the reasons I started taking self defense classes. Dad said you were okay with it" I said confused "your father?" said Mom. "Yeah" I said then I realized it Dad didn't tell Mom cause he knew she flip out. Just like she's about-. "I'm going to kill that father of yours" shouted Mom as she slammed her hands into the counter. Oh shit was all I could think of.
        "Kara Elizabeth Sage how long has this been going on" Mom asked me, I gulped and answered her "since I was six" I tell her. "Why" she asked "because it start with kids picking on me. Then one day one of my bullies Dad's followed us home. Apparently he use to work for Dad, but got laid off" I tell her "he then tried to kidnap me. But luckily Dallas and Tony came outside and stopped him" I finish telling her. Mom now seemed more pissed than ever.
        "Sally!" Mom shouted and Aunt Sally came running into the kitchen with her flip flop. When Aunt Sally noticed there was no need for discipline she put the flip flop down. "What is it" she asked "did you know John signed Kara up for Self Defense Classes" Aunt Sally seemed confused just like I was at first. "Behind my back" said Mom still extremely pissed off "no. No I didn't" said a Aunt Sally connecting the dots.
        Just then we hear the door open and hear Colton shout "Daddy" I looked to Mom. Who possibly had steaming coming out of her ears by now. "John Henry Sage!" shouts Mom as she goes out the kitchen "oh hell" said Aunt Sally knowing what was coming. We followed Mom as she left the kitchen and she was walking extremely fast towards Dad. Dad catches a glimpse of me and must have saw the bandage on my face. Then again how could you not.
        "What happened" asked Dad but Mom didn't answer instead she slapped Dad across the face. Everyone winced at the sound of the slap and some of us even said "oooo". "How could you go behind my back and sign Kara up for Self Defense Classes" shouted Mom. Dad looked to me probably connecting the dots. "Anna, I did it because it was in Kara's Best favor and look how she's turned out" said Dad and I felt proud for like a second. "A non-self absorbed person with no taste in fashion" said Bell.
         "No. An independent non-self absorbed, brilliant girl. Just like her mother" said Dad and now I felt proud again. Mom looked at me and smiled "your right" said Mom and Dad sighed "but your not off the hook for lying to me" Mom said quickly. "I'll take you to dinner to make up for it" said Dad as he kissed her cheek. "Deal" said Mom kissing him now "gross I'm out" said Oscar "yeah" we all agreed walking away in disgust.
        Dad dropped us off at school today which was an absolutely hilarious car ride. I walked into Biology placing my things down next to my bestie Steven. "Hey Steven" I say "hey" he says back "So is it true you kicked some perverts ass" said Steven whispering "yeah" I said. Must have gotten around school I think to my self. "And yes it did get around school" said Steven, he's my best friend for a reason. He knows me like the back of his hand; probably even better.
Our teacher walked in to the classroom and everyone got in their seats. "Alright class I will be reassigning you seats" said our teacher. She then went around pointing to each counter place that had two stools next to each other. "Over here Julian and Sarah" said the teacher "and over here Gabriel and Kara" I was a little shocked at my new partner. But also excited what I wasn't excited about was Julian and Sarah being across from us.
I placed my bag down and gave Gabriel a small smile as I sat down next to him. "Great were a stuck with loner here" said Sarah "and this loner could kick your ass" I say through gritted teeth just loud enough for them to here. Sarah gave me a dirty look as Julian and Gabriel chuckled with enjoyment.
And yes I know I shouldn't let Sarah get to me, but her Dad is the reason I am the way I am. That's right her Dad is the creep that stalked me home when I was like six. Her Mom is know the Mayor, and she still is a bitch just like when we were younger.
"Alright class the you'll be workin with your entire group for this project. So get cracking" the teacher tells us. I roll my eyes as I imagine hitting her with my shoe. "Alright well Kara already invited me and Julian to her house yesterday. So why don't we all go there" said Gabriel. Me and Sarah were still glaring at each other and at the same time we both said "no". I felt Gabriel and Julian's eyes on us but we both didn't care.
"Is there something we should know" asked Julian being his nosy self "yeah Sarah do they need to know something" I say. She was now giving me a death stare and I bet 5 bucks she going to say you wouldn't dare. "You wouldn't dare" see I told you she would "want to try me" I say back. She huffs and gets up and marches to the teacher probably to request I'd be taken out of the group. Please let me trade groups is all I hoped for.
"Kara what is going on between the two of you" asked Gabriel, I looked to Sarah and though she is the devil from hell. I wasn't going to do that to her unless she provoked me. "Ask Sarah" I say and grab my stuff and walk out of class. I walked down the hall the teacher chasing after me, but she gave up halfway down the hall. And of course I got in trouble later on in the day.
I walk out of the school building and notice people staring at me with sympathetic looks. Did someone die in my family and I don't know yet I thought to myself as I walked on. "Kara!" I hear Nova yell from behind me "what" I ask spinning around thinking there was danger. "The school knows" says Nova out of breath "know's what" I ask confused "about Sarah's father" said Nova. "She told" was all I could get out; my eyes went wide and I felt like my world was spinning.
"Kara" said Nova coming to my side and just to make things worse the paparazzi shows up. Nova and I scramble back into the building. Sarah walked by me smiling with pleasure, and ooo did I lose my temper. If Nova wasn't holding me back I'd kill Sarah with my bare hands.
We have been stuck in the school building for about twenty minutes waiting for our parents. "Hey Kara, you okay" asked Dallas "yeah just need a knew identity now" I say as Tony pats my back. "Kara" I hear from behind me, I look to see Gabriel. "Hey" I say as I stand up "you guys want a ride" asked Gabriel "sure if you can get us out of here" said Tony. Gabriel looked to the doors at the paparazzi "I got an idea" says Gabriel.
The next thing I know is that the Football team is escorting us to Gabriel's car. "Thanks you guys" I thank them as we get into Gabriel's car. "No problem Sage" one of the Football players as I close the door. "And thank you Gabriel" I say "if there is anyway I can repay you let me know" I say to him. "You can go to dinner with me" says Gabriel, I say and heard Tony and Dallas move to hit him. But Bell and Nova stopped them with excitement.
"Dinner sounds cool to me" I tell Gabriel, who bursts into a giant grin. "Great... um does Friday Night work" he asked me "Friday sounds great" I tell him "pick her up at seven" said Bell. I gave Bell my death glare "Alright seven it is" said Gabriel, I was kind of shocked that he gave in to her. But I also thought it was sweet.
        Gabriel pulled into our driveway and I noticed an unfamiliar car. I was wondering who's car it could be then I got my answer when everyone came out of the house. It was Julian's car. I forgot I invited that dingoes too, and right next to him was The Evil Witch of The West Sarah. I get out of the car walk straight up to her ignoring any questions that are being asked. Because right now every inch of my body wants to knock her out cold.

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