Chapter 8 Deadly

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I get out of the car walking straight up to Sarah ignoring everyone and their questions. Because right now everyone inch of my body wants to knock her out cold.
        Sarah had this smile on her face that really made me want to kill her now. I balled up my fists and laid one straight on Sarah's cheek. She fell to the ground and I got on top of her laying punch after playing punch on her face. I knew many of my family members won't do crap, but Gabriel and Julian probably would.
        I felt two strong arms go around my waist and pull me off of Sarah. She started to sit up as I was pulled off of her, so I kicked her in the face. Then I yelled "Penny go get my bat!" Penny ran into the house with Mom chasing after her saying "Penny no". I got placed down and when I saw Aunt Sally help Sarah up I went ballistic.
        If it wasn't for Julian and Gabriel holding me back Sarah would be 6ft under. "Kara I got your bat" said Penny as she came out of the house "fantastic" I say. I stop struggling and grab my bat from Penny. "Now she definitely will die" I say as I walk towards Sarah. But I'm guessing they all think I'm going to far. Because now many people are trying to stop me; which is crap. I'm not going to kill her, except I may put her in a coma.
        "Let's put Kara in the basement till she calms down" said Tony "that's a good idea" said Dad, they then picked me up and carried me into the house. And down into the basement. They placed me down and yelled at me to stay here till I calm down. As they went up the stairs I kicked some laundry baskets. Then I trashed the basement bad, and when that didn't help I punched the concrete walls.
Okay so Dallas has a temper that you can easily explode, but my temper is hard to explode. Which makes it worse when it does, and it lasts for a long period of time. No joke Nova has timed my tempers and so far my longest temper throw down was six hours long. Yeah that's why I'm the scariest and deadliest in the family. Haha now that I think about it I use to be the short temper one.
I think about five and half hours later Julian came down, and he definitely isn't someone I want to see. "Hey" he said as he stepped off the last stair I scoffed "hey? You almost witnessed me becoming a murder. And all you got is hey" I say stuff angry. "Yep just wanted to see if you calmed down" said Julian, and then I noticed it his arm. I must have scratched him when he pulled me off of Sarah.
I groan and stand up I walk over to a secret compartment of mine and took out a first-aid kit. "Sit down" I say to him "what" "I said 'sit down'" I said threw gritted teeth. He sat down like I said and I walked over to him, he was confused. I sat down and pulled his arm from him "oh that's nothing" he said "bull" I said. I had caused him to bleed and since the scratches were long it be obvious. "What happened to your knuckles" Julian asked I looked at him then back to what I was doing.
"My temper" I tell him "and what are you still doing here" "your folks invited us for dinner to make up for your 'explosion'" said Julian making quotations with his other hand. I smirked and chuckled a little "wow first time you showed any emotion other than hate towards me" says Julian. I quickly drop my smirk and push harder on to his skin making him breath in throw gritted teeth.
We then went a couple of minutes in silence. "There finished" I said Julian looks to see I did a bow "seriously a bow" he asks. "Yep" I say I can tell he is looking at my knuckles. "My turn to play Doctor" said Julian taking the first-aid kit from me. When he reaches for me I pull away "I'm not going to hurt you" he tells me. "I don't believe you" I tell him "and why not" he asked all defensive "because bullies don't turn into caretakers" I growl at him.
He looked at me all confused, and I sighed. "Of course you don't remember" I say "remember what" he asked "you use to bully me with Sarah and a couple other kids. When we were six and until third grade. When I kicked Tommy's butt" I tell Julian. He still seemed a little confused then he started to laugh. "I totally forgot you beat up Tommy in third grade" said Julian still laughing I stared at the ground and I guess Julian felt my sadness.
"Sorry" said Julian, I turned my head quick was Julian actually apologizing to me. "Sorry about bullying you and about what Sarah's Dad tried to do to you" said Julian, I could tell he meant it. But him mentioning Sarah's Dad made me remember his stench and touch. I shivered in disgust at the memory.
"It's fine" I say fake smiling and faking it like I always have. "No it's not" said Julian, I looked at him a little shocked he sounded protective. "No one deserves to have that done to them" said Julian, I smiled a little smile at Julian and I could tell he was a little shocked. "Is it true though" I looked to Julian confused "is it true he cut his initials into your back" asked Julian. I felt tears swell in my eyes I looked away from Julian and shake my head rapidly.
"I know this may be over the line but could I see" I shake my head rapidly again. I was panicked I hated that part of my skin; it is the only piece of me that I wish would go away. But scars last for ever no matter what. "Well can I clean you knuckles now" asked Julian, I turned towards him as a tear slips down my cheek. I was still not sure, but I slowly reach my hand out to him. Julian takes it and starts to put hydrogen peroxide on it to make sure that don't get infected.
As Julian finishes wrapping my hands I start to wonder if she was still here. "Did the wicked witch of the west leave" I growled Julian chuckled. "No her Mom picked her up grounding her and scolding her. While telling the press to piss off" Julian tells me, I smile while silently laughing. "Which I could have seen it" I said "it was funny as hell" said Julian and we both laughed.
"Am I interrupting something" I look to see Gabriel "not at all" I say. Gabriel takes a look at the mess I made "jeez girl remind me not to get on your bad side" said Gabriel. I smiled at him with a little laugh and said "okay". "Were you actually going to hit her with that bat" asked Gabriel "you bet" I tell him and Julian and Gabriel look at me like I'm nut. I hear a laugh and see Dallas coming down the stairs.
"I thought you might be hungry" said Dallas and that's when I noticed the plate and water bottle. "Your my saint" I say as I take the plate and water bottle and I start pigging out. They all laugh at me and I pick something up and throw it at them.
I hung out with them for another hour, but Julian and Gabriel had to head home. "I'll see you guys tomorrow in class" I say to them as they walk out the door. "Oh wait Kara" said Gabriel and Julian stood for some reason "what's up" I ask. "For our date Friday. Wear something casual" Gabriel tells me "okay" I say. I see Julian's face harden again like at Taco Bell when that creep attacked me. What is his deal was all I could think about.
My thoughts are interrupted when Gabriel kisses my cheek. I look at him shocked and all he does is smile "Night Kara" says Gabriel as he leaves. "Night.. Gabriel" I say with a small wave to him. I noticed that Julian had disappeared, but his car was still here. Maybe he left something in the backyard. Apparently he played with Penny for me while I had my meltdown.
I walk back into the house and head up stairs to my room. I walk into my room to see Penny and Genesis weren't in the room. "Must still be down stairs" I think out loud to myself, I walk further into my room. I feel somethings off and when I turn around, I see my door click shut and Julian. "What the hell Julian. I was about to start swinging" I shout at him as I throw a stuff toy at him.
"Don't go on the date with Gabriel" says Julian "any why not" I asked crossing my arms. Julian rubbed his fingers threw his hair and I can tell he's hiding something. But before I could find out what I hear an ear piercing scream. "Stay here" I say grabbing my bat "I fought you'd need that" says Julian but I ignore his comment.
I rush down the stairs to where the ear piercing scream is coming. I see everyone in front of the bathroom door. "What's going on" I asked "I have no idea" said Dominic "Bell is in there and that's all we know" Arthur informs me. The screaming stops and I left up my bat a little. Bell comes out tears running down her cheeks her eyes puffy and red. "What is wrong" asked Oscar as he and the younger ones hug Bell.
Bell looks down at them, and than screams/cries "I'm Not Ready To Be A Mom!" And she cried more. I drop my bat including my jaw and I pretty sure if this was a cartoon. All are jaws would be down. "It hasn't been a week" said Aunt Sally "I lied we slept together three weeks ago" cried Bell. "Wait who the hell did she sleep with!" shouted Dad and we all took a step back. Plus pulling some little ones back that don't know Dad so well.
You see we all got our arguing and hitting from our mother, but we got our tempers from our father. "Some guy named Derek... Dawson" said Mom "Dylan" says Tony "Dylan that's it" said Mom. "No" said Eleanor "Dylan" she said pointing to the stairs. We all looked to see Dylan standing at the top of the stairs. "Oh no" said Aunt Sally "Dylan" said Dallas "run" we all shouted and Dylan took off with Dad going after him.
         Dad chased Dylan around for about thirty minutes but Dad has gotten a little old. And he is definitely not as fit as he use to be. Bell told Dylan the news and Dylan was overjoyed. Apparently he was going to propose to Bell, but he was overjoyed and popes the question right there. "So we have to go to another wedding" said Colton "yep" says Penny "oh poop" says Colton and Oscar arms crossed across their chests.
        For some reason at this exact moment I remembered Julian and rushed back upstairs. I stopped and grabbed my bat and continued running. I opened my door and saw Julian sitting in Genesis bed but once he saw me, he stood up.
        "Alright now you got some. Explaining to do" I tell Julian, who looked nervous.

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