Chapter 13 Welcome

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        "Oh my little boy got married" said Nana hugging Uncle Owen and kissing his cheek. "Mom, Everyone this is my wife Sophia" said Uncle Owen introducing her "hi" we all say. "Hello it's nice to meet all of you" says well... I guess Aunt Sophia. "We May have to build on another spare bedroom and bath" I hear Mom tell Dad "yeah" agreed Dad rubbing his neck.
        "Well we better introduce everyone" says Nana with joy, and I definitely get her joy. Everyone thought Uncle Owen would never get married, but he got married without his family being there. What kind of crap is that!? "These are our two kids Anna and Jerry and their Partners John and Maggie. These are John's parents Aaron and Chloe and John's siblings Sally, her husband Andrew. Nicole and her husband Frank. Also Henry and his wife Olivia" says Nana.
        "Oh and these are Anna and John's kids. Kids raise you hands when I call your names" says Nana "Bell, Tony, Dallas, Kara, Nova, Dominic, Arthur, Genesis, Alice, Eleanor, Iris, Oscar, Colton, and little Violet" says Nana. "Then Jerry's kids. Haylie, Jackson, Luke, and Lizzy" Nana continued. "Then theirs Henry's kids. William, Klaus, and Quinn. Oh and then Nicole's kids. Stephanie, Xavier, Taylor, Jake, Gabe, and Zoey" Nana finished.
Then our dogs barked; Great just great. "Oh yes and the animal members Sheba, Jace, Buck, Simon, and Lizzy" Nana finished finally. "Theirs a dog and human named the same name" pointed out Willow "yeah it's cool" said Lizzy (my cousin). "No it's weird" says Willow being a total jerk "oh nice piercings" she says looking at me. "Oh than-" "for a Loser" Willow interrupted me. I went to take a step forward to teach this little piece of crap what's what, but Julian held me back by hugging me.
        "Well come on kids let's put our things up" says Uncle Owen, and when they went to go up the stairs. Willow purposely bumped into Iris knocking her over. I busted out of Julian's hold well... he let me go. Several of us older girls that are non pregnant grabbed Willow and took her outside for a nice beating. Willow screamed and shouted for us to let go, and the adults tired to get us to let go. But nothing works when you make us mad.
         We take Willow out side and throw her into our lovely pool out back. Oh I forgot to mention our in ground pool. Well we tossed a very angry Willow into the pool, and we all laughed at her. "What is wrong with you!" shouted Willow with anger "mess with one of us" says Stephanie "you mess with all of us" we all say and walk away from her.
        We all get scolded by the adults, but not to badly because they didn't blame us. We were then released to do what ever and most of us just went to change for the pool. Since the Summer weather was almost over with and we wanted to enjoy it some more. Plus it's super fun with everyone here.
Julian and I walked outside and when he caught sight of the pool his jaw dropped to the floor. Well if life was a cartoon then it would. "It's huge" said Julian "yeah it's twenty-eight feet in length and thirty feet in width" I tell him. "I am so coming to your house in the summer" said Julian, I laughed at his words and amazement. "How deep is it" asked Gabriel coming up from behind us "six feet" I tell him. "Man you guys are seriously rich" says Julian and everyone laughs at him.
We all then get in the pool and start playing Marco Polo. "Marco" shouted Arthur "Polo" everyone said some in unison and some not. "Marco" Arthur called out again "Polo" everyone answered. We played this game for a very long time I think two hours. "Hey guys Hamburgers and Hot Dogs!" Uncle Jerry told us, we all got out quick and dried ourselves off. And went into the house to grab some food.
        "Alright who saying grace" asked Pop "I will" said Nana, and some of us grunted silently in annoyance. Do get us wrong we love our Nana, but she has a tendency to ramble. We all take each other's hands and bow our heads, and prepare ourselves for her rambling. "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the food we are about receive and thank you for creating this delicious food. Thank you for our families. And thank you for getting my baby boy finally married. And thank you for more precious grandchildren. Hell them to learn to love us and understand us. In Jesus name we say amen" Nana finished. And everyone said "amen" then went to get food.
Everyone was surprised that Nana didn't ramble on like she does. But everyone was more grateful so their was no complaining. Everyone split into the three groups one group sat at the dining table, another sat in the living room watching sports, and the last group hanged outside. I hanged outside with the little kids and a few others. But Julian choose to hang with my Dad, brothers, cousins, and Uncles in the living room.
"Hey you" I heard and turned to see Willow giving me a death stare "what" I said blankly. "You better watch yourself or else you'll end up dead" Willow said threatening me; which was funny to me. "Willow I wouldn't threaten her. She has a really hard temper to break, but-" "but nothing she just a weak worthless petty child" Willow said. "Listen I'll only say this once" I said standing up "back off or you'll be in a ditch dead" I say and Willow scoffs at me.
"The only thing you can kill is a bug" Willow says "good thing your one then" I reply back to her. Willow gives me a dirty look then brushes past me and heads towards the house. I watch her go and as Oscar, Colton, and little Luke pass by her, she shoves them into the pool. They didn't have their life jackets on, so I knew they would drown. I dive in and so does Quinn and Klaus, we get the boys quickly and get them out.
And now very, very angry me gets up once I know their ok and march into the house. "Kara get out your soaking wet" Mom says to me but I ignore her and walk through the house. Good thing our floors are hardwood. I find Willow in the living she catches sight of me, and looses some color to her skin. "Kar are you ok" asked Julian standing up but I ignore him too.
I run at Willow and she jumps up and over the couch she was sitting on. I gracefully jump over it run after her, she goes to run out of the house. But Quinn grabs her and throws her to the hard ground. We both stand above her as she starts to panic. Quinn and I both grab her and start to lead her out back. "What happened" asked Uncle Owen as he sees what's happening "she almost killed Colton, Oscar, and Luke" says a soaking wet Klaus "yeah" says all the younger once, who witnessed it. Also the ones who were almost killed.
I could bet money many were astonished, but I really don't know since I was outside. Quinn and I shoved Willow into the pool and than jumped in after her. "Kara whatever your thinking don't do it" says Mom "that goes for you too Quinn" says Aunt Olivia. "Plan B" I ask "Plan B" Quinn agrees I smile and punch Willow in the face. Quinn then back hands her and then I hit Willow in her side. This goes on for a couple of minutes before my Uncles' and Dad are dragging us away. We are shoved out of the pool and on to the pavement.
"Seriously Kara second time this week" said Dad "at least she didn't ask for her bat" said Genesis. Dad looked at her and Genesis backed up and shut up. "She was just saying" Dominic said defending Genesis "I don't care Dominic. What I care about right now is that, that girl" said Dad pointing to Willow. "Is taught a proper lesson the right way" said Dad and at that Aunt Sally came out with her wooden spoon. Every kid and teenager that understood back away from Aunt Sally.
Aunt Sally grabbed a beat up Willow by the arm and tugged her up. Aunt Sally laid Willow out and over her lap and started to spank her with the wooden spoon. The pops of the spoon on to Willow's butt were loud and Willow shrieked in pain every time. Once Aunt Sally finished Willow went crying into the house. Aunt Sally turned to Zack and Tyler "do either of you need this too" she asked. And they shake their heads rapidly in response "good" she said and got up to put her spoon back.
"Well" said Taylor "their officially part of the family now" she said, and everyone laughed in response. Pretty much every single child and teen here have been or threatened by Aunt Sally with the wooden spoon. Just then the dogs came running out of the house and jumped into the pool. The dogs made a huge splash as they jumped into the pool, and everyone laughed harder.

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