Chapter 12 My Crazy Family

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        I woke up to my weekend alarm clock Genesis! "Get up you lazy bum" said Genesis I get up making sure I don't hit my head. Once I'm down I stretch and do fifteen push ups. I hear my phone go off as I get on push up 12. I finish up quickly then go to check my phone. It was Julian!
Is it cool if I come over -Julian
Yeah. Just wear athletic clothes and bring something to change into -Kara (me)
Ok be there in twenty minutes or more😁 -Julian
        I giggle as I put my phone down and go to grab some clothes. I grab a black nike crop top sweat shirt and some jean 'butty' shorts to go with. I grab my black covers and head to the bathroom. I throw on my clothes and French Braid my hair into two. I brush my teeth and of course do Penny and the triplets hair. Penny wanted her hair like mine, so I did her hair the same. Alice wanted her hair to be the same as mine except Dutch Braided. Eleanor wanted Dutch Braid but only one, and Iris wanted just a plain pony tail.
         We headed down to see Mom with Violet in the stroller and heading outside. We went outside and saw everyone stretching out. I saw Dylan here. I also see Gabriel and Nova talking, and Gabriel is beaming with joy. I shake my head at them; I hear the sound of a motorcycle and see Julian pulling in. I walk over to him once he's stopped and he whistles at me once his helmets was off.
        "Careful. My Dad is very suspicious of guys now" I say "and why's that" asked Julian flirting with me. "Because Dylan got Bell pregnant" I say hugging him then kissing his cheek. "Seriously" asked Julian having a panicked face when I pull away "yep" I say patting his shoulder. Julian gets off his bike and I take his bag from him so I can put it inside. "Good luck" I say and disappeared inside the house.

                        ~John Sage POV~
        I watch Kara disappear inside with Julian's things, and I took this opportunity. I walked over to Gabriel, Dylan and Julian with a mission of mine. "Hello boys" I say to them, they look at me a little scared "I would just like to tell you. If either of you hurt my daughters say goodbye to your life and hello hell" I say to them. They looked frightened especially Dylan, who I had a little talk with yesterday.

                         ~Kara's (my) POV~
        I walked out of the house to see Dad talking to Dylan, Gabriel, and Julian I saw their faces turn to pure fear. I knew what Dad was doing so I grabbed Bell and Nova, and we walked over to them. "Dad stop antagonizing them" Bell says as she side hugs Dad "I'm just lookin' our for my girls" says Dad. We hug him tight and smile at our small group hug.
        We pulled away and Dad had some tears in his eyes. "Man this dust" he said and walked away wiping his eyes as he went to Mom. We giggled at our father then turned to the guys. "So you boys ready" asked Nova "ready for what" asked Julian, us girls giggled. "For our family Run!" said Bell with excitement "wait running? Shouldn't you be resting" asked Dylan all worried. Nova and I giggled as Bell crosses her arms over her chest. "I am only three weeks along Dylan. It wouldn't kill me" Bell told him.
        "And actually exercise is actually good for babies and pregnant mothers" Mom said as she passed by us. "As long as it's not to much" she added and walked away "I'd listen to her" said Julian "yeah she had fifteen kids" added Gabriel. Dylan sighed in defeat and we all laughed at him, Bell kissed him on his cheek to make him feel better. And it works.
        "Alright Family and... Guests let's go" said Mom and we all took off down the street. Julian tried to stay next to me, but Penny wouldn't let him near me. Julian finally got tired of it and picked Penny up letting her sit on his shoulders. She screamed for a while till I pinched her and told her to cut it out. Dylan stayed with Bell the entire time it was funny. Bell was about ready to kill him.
        Nova and Gabriel talked the entire time; everyone actually talked the entire time. But they stayed right next to each other and talked. After I put Penny in her place she actually ended up liking Julian surprise, surprise! Penny asked Julian a lot of questions like "what do you like about Kara?" or "have you always liked Kara?". I was actually starting to wonder if Penny liked Julian more than me.
        When we came back to the house it was 10:21am. Everyone came into the air conditioning and some fell to ground in happiness of the cold wooden floors. "Hey Kara where's by bag" asked Julian "in the living room on the big couch" I tell him. Julian then leaves to retrieve it "oh Kara" says Gabriel before he heads upstairs. "I got a call from couch telling me I got the Receiver position" Gabriel whispers to me; I smile at him and give him a big thumbs up.
        Gabriel then heads up the stairs to take a shower. "What was that about" asked Julian coming up to me "just Gabriel letting me know my threat to your football team worked" I say. I walk away and ten steps later I hear Julian shout "threat?! What threat?!" and I hear coming up after me. When he's right next to me I tell him. "Oh just a threat that if they didn't let Gabriel be Receiver. I beat them up, knock them out, and then feed them to our family's aquarium sharks" I tell Julian "it was no big deal" I added. "That's a big deal Kara Elizabeth Sage" says Julian using my full name "not really. I've made worse" I let him know.
        After everyone has had their showers we hang out in the living room watching Power Rangers Ninja Steel this was Oscar's choice. And like I've mentioned before I actually like Power Rangers too. "Wow I haven't watched Power Rangers since I was nine" Julian whispers to me "then it's your lucky day" I whisper back to him. Julian chuckles at me and I smile at him as I turn back to the TV.
Ding Dong. We all turn our heads to the doors and we watch Genesis and Arthur run to the door. They open it and we hear "Aunt Maggie!" My siblings and I all jump up and head for the doors. Our 'Guests' follow us to the front doors. We come out of the living room and see our Aunt Maggie and four of our cousins. We all either say
"Aunt Maggie"
"How are my nieces and nephews" asked Aunt Maggie "were great" says Tony. Then Oscar and Colton catch sight of our other aunt, Aunt Olivia and her husband Uncle Henry with Aunt Maggie's Husband Uncle Jerry. "Uncle Henry!" Oscar and Colton cry and tackle him into a hug. "How are you boys" says Uncle Henry on the ground "were great" they say in unison.
I then see three more of our cousins coming up to the house. We greet them then we see Grandma and Grandpa and with them we see Nana and Pop. We greet them as well as our other aunt and uncle, Aunt Nicole and Uncle Frank and their six kids. Now you see why we have two guests room that are huge. We also introduced Julian, Gabriel, and Dylan to our family.
"What are you all doing here" asked Mom "well Nova Tweeted that Bell was pregnant and we wanted to be here" says Nana. We all look to Nova, who hides behind me. Which wasn't smart, because I would have moved if they decided to kill her. "This is great but she isn't due for nine months" says Dad "but she does have her first sonogram tomorrow" says Aunt Nicole. "Let me guess Nova also Tweeted that" said Dallas rolling his eyes "yeah" said our Cousin Quinn (Aunt Olivia's Only Daughter).
"And Great Grandparent would like pictures" said Grandma "we all would" added Aunt Maggie. And everyone laughed in amusement. "Well you guys know where your stationed for these types of things" says Aunt Sally and then everyone headed up stairs.
Julian, me and some other headed into the living room. "Jeez this family is super huge" says Julian "and nuts" added my cousin Stephanie (Aunt Nicole's Daughter). Yes I also have a cousin named Stephanie except she isn't a criminal, just a Drama Queen. "Hey someone help me get the other chairs out!" I heard Dallas yell from the basement. "Oh Coming" answered my twin cousins Gabe and Jake.
"So who belongs to who" asked Gabriel confused. Nova and I laughed at their confused faces. "Ok so first you got Grandma and Grandpa, their Dad's parents. They had our Dad, Uncle Henry, Aunt Sally, and Aunt Nicole" I inform them "Uncle Henry married our Aunt Olivia and they had our cousins William, Klaus, and Quinn. Aunt Nicole married Uncle Frank and they had Stephanie, Zoey, Gabe, Taylor who is a girl, Jake, and Xavier" Nova tells them. "Then we got Nana and Pop, they had our Mom, Uncle Jerry, and Uncle Owen. Uncle Jerry married Aunt Maggie and our cousins Jackson, Haylie, Luke, and Lizzy. And Uncle Owen is a single Pringle" I tell them.
Just then the front doors flew open and in cane Uncle Owen with a WOMAN! "What" says Arthur and Genesis "the" says Jake and Gabe "Cow" says Nova and I. "Are those kids?" asked Dominic "I think so" says Tony. "What is going on" asked Aunt Sally as she, Mom, Aunt Maggie, Aunt Nicole, and Aunt Olivia come out of the kitchen. They stop once they see what we're staring at.
"I got married everyone! And these are our adopted kids Willow, Zack, and Tyler" shouts Uncle Owen. "And your family just grew by four" says Julian "we know" says everyone in the living room except him and Gabriel.

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