Chapter 10 My Date

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The rest of the week flew by fast. Julian had this thing for sitting with me at lunch with Gabriel. I was kind of suspicious of Gabriel though. I had seen him and a couple other guys joking, and when I asked someone what they were talking about. They said something along with Gabriel apparently is going to screw some chick. Which proved Julian right.
My sisters made me stay home Friday, because of Date preparations. To be honest I just wanted a jacket and my sneakers. Bell has been showing me nail polish for the passed twenty minutes. And to be honest I'm about ready to sue all nail polish creators. "Come on Kara, you need to pick a color" said Bell as she puts he last two nail polishes down.
I sigh "I liked the black one" I tell her "that's for funerals" she says to me. "And it's about to be your funeral" I inform her, Bell puts her hands up. "How about red or pink... ooo maybe silver" says Bell, I perk my head up "silver sounds good" I tell her. Bell grabs to silver and walks over to me and takes my right hand.
Bell finishes both my hands when Nova walks in. "Ok so since Gabriel said 'dress casual' I think I got two great outfit for you" Nova informs me "ok" I say. Nova shows me option one which I liked it a black tank top crop top with my black leather jacket. She paired it with one of my shorts that Dad called 'butty shorts' which they kinda were. And she had my red converse to with it. My second option was a red noodle tank top with my white leather jacket. She had high waist black jeans to go with, and my red sneakers with this one too.
"Can we switch the black crop top with the red tank top" I asked "yeah" said Nova. She switched them and I smiled "that looks great" I said and Nova agreed. So I went with the second option, but tweet it a little.
Bell finished my toes and told Nova instead of sneakers I should wear heels. I told her as long as there black and they complied. I got dressed and the. Bell and Nova did my make up; while Mom did my hair.
Mom braided my hair while it was wet, so it come out like natural beach waves. Which they did, and I love beach waves. Bell and Nova did smoky eye shadow and winged eye liner. Bell put dark red lip stick on me while Nova did my cheek bones. They did some other stuff like my earrings and necklace and rings. I like to wear more than one ring.
I put on three rings, a black choker, a dragon necklace, and put in several stub earrings. When everything finished it was six-fifty four. "Holy cow" was all I could say when I saw the time. I looked into the mirror to see I looked total bad ass. Bell then handed me my black purse, and then we headed down stairs.
Everyone gawked in amazement at me and I did feel kinda uncomfortable. The door bell rang "jaws up everyone" I said and walked to the door. I opened it to see Gabriel he wore a white button up shirt and jeans with sneakers. "I feel underdressed" said Gabriel "don't I would look about the same if it wasn't for my sisters and mother" I tell him and he chuckles. "Bye Guys!" I shout and hear everyone say bye back; I close the door behind me and we head to Gabriel's car.
We sit Gabriel's car in total silence. "So" I say breaking the silence "I heard that you are going to try in get in my pants tonight" I say. Gabriel slams on the breaks and looks at me with concern. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. But I will help you" I say "what" said Gabriel confused and still shocked. "What's better than sleeping with me" I asked him, he stared at me weird. I roll my eyes and sigh "taming me" I say "everyone would be shocked if they saw. I went on a date with you" I tell him.
"That's true" he says "but sucks to be you. I'm untamable" I tell him. "So I threatened everyone guy on the football team, so you will be playing receiver starting Monday" I inform Gabriel. "How? Why?" asked Gabriel "because I like you and know you won't do this. If you didn't have a choice" I tell him. Gabriel hugs me and thanks me over and over again. We hear honking and Gabriel turns back to drive.
"I guess you want to go home then" said Gabriel kinda bummed "nah let's still have this date" I tell him. Gabriel perks up "great" he says and continues to drive.
We arrive at a mini golf field I laugh as I see it. "Yeah probably wasn't what you were expecting" says Gabriel kinda embarrassed "not at all" I say still laughing. Gabriel laughs along with me, but then I think I don't want to play mini golf in heels. I look back to see another pair of Gabriel shoes. I grab them take my heels off. "You got clean socks" I ask him, Gabriel gets out real quick and comes back with a clean pair of socks. I take them and throw them and the sneakers on.
"Great now lets go" I say getting out of the car. Gabriel chuckled and I did too. Gabriel's shoes were kinda big on me, but they were way comfortable. We played mini golf for a while, and I learned something new Gabriel is really funny. But I could feel eyes on us, I searched around and saw a very jealous looking Julian. I smirked and looked away from him. "We have a stocker" I tell Gabriel as I hit the golf ball.
"I know. He's been following us since we left your house" Gabriel tells me, I giggle. "Probably because he doesn't like the fact. I like you too" says Gabriel and I looked at him shocked. "Yeah. I have had a crush on you since I moved here" Gabriel tells me "so fifth grade" I say and he nods. "How long for Julian" I asked Gabriel thinks for second "I think he told me since you beat up Tommy" Gabriel tells me. "Since Third Grade!" I say surprised. "Yeah" says Gabriel taking a drink from his soda.
        I looked around and saw girls flirting with Julian, who seemed very uninterested by them. "I don't think I have a chance with you though" says Gabriel "so is it cool if we're friends" I look at Gabriel with an apologetic look. "Don't worry Sage" says Gabriel "I actually kinda like your twin anyways" hearing that made me bean with happiness. "Well when you ask her out. Take her to a scary movie she loves scary movies" I lie she actually hates them. "Are you lying" asked Gabriel "noooo" I say smirking. "Alright but if it goes wrong. I'm telling her you told me too" Gabriel tells me "go ahead" I say.
       "Well I'll see you Sage" says Gabriel leaving "I'll see you later Baker" I say back and I watch him leave. I feel arms wrap around me startling me, I tried to turn around a swing. "I'm not ok with letting you hit me Sweetie" I looked up and saw Julian, I sighed with relief. "Want to hang" asks Julian with a smile I smile back "sure" I say. And Julian beams with happiness and takes my hand.
        He leads me to his motorcycle "is that a Harley Davidson 1999 Fat boy Motorcycle?" I asked. "Yeah" said Julian looking at me as I geeked out "I love Harley Davidson" I say. Julian laughs at me "shut up" I say hitting his arm playfully. "Well lets go" says Julian handing me a helmet I grab it buckle it. Julian gets on and puts his helmet on, and then I get on.
        Julian start his motorcycle "ready babe" he asks me "yeah" I shout back. He then takes off down the road.

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