chicken fagitas 2| namseok

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"So first we gotta whisk the ground pe—"

"Read the book! The directions are in them!"
Hoseok waved a big cookbook in the air.

Namjoon only scoffed at the response.
"I don't need no cookbook." He smiled.

"As I was saying.. You whisk.. The.. Uh.."

"Olive oil, lime juice, cumin and red pepper!"
Hoseok rolled his eyes at his boyfriends behaviour.

"Yea! These things." He smiled as he poured the ingredients in the bowl. "And we cant forget about the Cumin now can we?" He chuckled. "We could've just used mine instead.."


"I'm only kidding babe, relax!" He laughed.

"Now we season the chicken with salt and pepper.. Can't have no tasteless chicken lying around."

"Uh, now apparently Hoseok is about to throw a shoe at me if I don't cover the chicken and refrigerate them for.. Um.. At least 30 minutes and 2 hours." Namjoon chuckled, looking at the way Hoseok mande numbers with his hands.

"Uhh.. The cookbook says In a medium.." He stopped reading to ask a question. "Hoseok, the fuck is a skillet?" Hoseok face palmes himself. "Oh~ the fry pan?" Namjoon smiled.

"Okay so we gotta heat the olive oil in here." Namjoon picked up the skillet that sat beside the sink.

After about 30 seconds Namjoon added the chicken breasts and cooked until they were golden.

He set aside the cooked chicken on a plate.

"Uh.. Now that were done that long step, It says in here we now gotta saute the bell peppers and onions until they're soft?" He looked at Hoseok for approval, getting a thumbs up in return.

"For seven minutes.." Namjoon moves the peppers and onions around the skillet watching as oil bubbles popped around the place.

"Okay now that we're done that..." He read the book. "Babe, how many times are we using this fry pan?" Namjoon sighed. Wanting the food to be ready by now.

"It says here to slice the chicken into strips and add back into the fry pan.."

"These look like great slices" Namjoon smiled at Hoseok who was worriedly staring at the very poorly sliced chicken strips. It didn't even look like chicken anymore.

"..Toss to combine.. Whatever that means." After about 7 more minutes of frying the chicken it was finally ready.

"The cookbook demands that we serve the fagitas on tortillas with guacamole and sour cream."

After preparing the chicken fagitas, it was finally ready to be eaten.

"We are finally done!"

Hoseok smiled at his boyfriends accomplishment of putting effort into making them.

"But I do have a comment, Seok, It sounds like they're we're way more ingredients than this." Namjoon questioned.

"But anyways everyone, Thank you for watching me go through hell to prepare this delicious meal.

"Bye~" He waved his hands and gave flying kisses at the camera, as Hoseok turned it off.

"Good job Joon!" Hoseok smiled as he approached him to give a kiss on his cheek, but Namjoon choosing to go for the lips instead.

"These fagitas aren't gonna eat themselves y'know."

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