restaurants |²ˢᵉᵒᵏ

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"We're back again everyone!" Seokjin spoke at the camera, holding it up high enough for the both of them to fit into the cameras view.

"Yeah! And this time we're in Rome!" Hoseok waved at it, smiling brightly.

"Oh look Jin! The statue of Habukkuk and the Angel!" Hoseok pointed at a statue standing not too far from them.

He ran towards it all happy and giggly as he clutched onto his small bag tightly.

"Take a pic!" He yelled from a distance, waving his hands in the air as he posed.

"And as you can see everyone, there's Hoseok posing with the Habukkuk and the Angel statue. It's honestly one of my favourites as well." Jin commented at the camera as he pointed it towards Hoseok who was still posing.

"Babe, we have to get going now." Jin smiled.

After taking numerous pictures with unusual poses with the statue, time was flying by as the two males reserved seats at a restaurant.

"Where're we going now?" Hoseok smiled, fixing his hat atop his head.

"It's a surprise~" Jin smiled, looking at his phone, the directions to their new location.

"Why can't we go to the restaurant I chose?" Hoseok pouted.

"Because we went there yesterday babe.." He said, gaze still fixated on his phone.

"But isn't that why we came here~ To try many different restaurants located in Rome?~" The youngest amongst the two whined.

"Exactly. We can go back to that restaurant another time." He informed, as he gave a peck on Hoseok's forehead.

"Now c'mon. Times passing by." Jin smiled, pulling Hoseok along.


"I-it's Amazing!~"
Hoseok praised in awe as he looked around the restaurant.

"Welcome, to Fiaschetteria Beltramme," Jin smiled, turning his head to look at Hoseok who was still shocked.

The restaurant was very spacious, clean and tidy, tables and etiquettes nicely and neatly set and placed around the room, the roof had statues sculpted amongst them, it was truly amazing.

"W-where do we sit?"
Hoseok asked, still in shock.

Seokjin pulled his boyfriends hand to a man at the front, who was currently on the phone.

Seokjin waited until the man was finished speaking with whom he assumed was a customer on the phone.

"Hello, I reserved a table for two? My name is Kim Seokjin, and I reserved yesterday around 10:45pm."

"..Ah yes.." He said as he glanced a bit at the two males holding hands. His mouth forming a thin line as he spoke.

"Come with me. Your table is ready and set." He said with a bit of an accent as he guided them towards there table.

"Thank you!" Hoseok spoke. Waving at the man goodbye with a beautiful smile across his face.

"Non posso credere che siano aperti su questo.." He mumbled under his breath.

"Alright gentlemen, Your waitress will be with you shortly." He forced a smile. "Thank you for choosing Fiaschetteria Beltramme."

As there food was set on the table, both males could not resist the urge to jump right in and start feasting.

"No wait Jin, bring out the camera first!" Hoseok insisted, eyeing a plate of fresh bread.

Seokjin nodded as he searched for it within his bag. Later having possession of it, the camera had been set up.

"Hey again everyone! Jin just brought me to this really fancy and fascinating restaurant, that seems to serve food made from the gods themselves," Jin directed the camera away from Hoseok and down to the food.

"But I don't think that guy over there who brought us to our table liked me," Hoseok pointed at the man who was now talking on the phone.

"Babe, don't say that. He was only jealous. I cant think of anyone who wouldn't like you." Jin complimented from behind the camera.

"Anyways, I think I'm gonna start digging in to this feast, as I can see the spaghetti begging me to eat it!" Hosoek giggled. "Bye for now!"

Jin turned off the camera as he and Hoseok began to demolish the dish of food served to them.

Not forgetting to savour the flavours as they ate.

"Woah~ That was amazing!" Hoseok complimented, patting his stuffed stomach.

"I knew you'd like that restaurant."
Jin checked the time on his phone.

"C'mon Seok-ah, we have to wake up early tomorrow to go to La Pergola tomorrow, so make sure you digest."

"Whatever you say dad~"
Hoseok giggled.

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