Rules are Rules | namseok

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University was difficult and stressful but Hoseok loved every second of it. He had made friends with many of the History majors; his dorm roommate was hilarious and the campus coffee pop-up stand was a lifesaver, literally. University was everything he expected it to be and more. He did think it would be more partying at 4 am, but he did go to the occasional one or two during the weekends.

Except for this weekend. This weekend is spent in the library on campus — researching medicine in the 18th century. Hoseok had arrived as soon as the doors to the library opened and planned on spending his whole day there just before closing time.

Okay, maybe he didn't literally plan on spending his whole day with his undivided attention on the eight, very thick textbooks that held all the information he needed regarding the type of medicine used during the 'Age of Enlightenment' a.k.a the 18th century. Maybe, some of his undivided attention was also used to admire the man running the library this weekend.

He was hot. The hot librarian. The 'dirty' type of hot. The 'hot-Saturday-librarian'. He would tell his older brother who only gave him a bizarre look in return. "I don't want to know any details about the silly, little crush you have this time." Seokjin had warned him.

Every Saturday morning when Hoseok walked in, 'hot-Saturday-librarian' was perched behind the oak desk with a book, glasses perched on his nose, thick and lustrous tousled dark brown hair pushed back brushing his neck, and revealing forehead. White button-up tucked into blue denim jeans. A prominent jaw curved gracefully around and the strength of his neck showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped his entire body; strong arms, bold thighs and calves, a firm chest and abdomen. He was an Adonis among the other men who each pale in comparison. He was intimidatingly handsome, deep dimples popping out every time he twisted his mouth or bit his lip; muttering the words to himself.

Hoseok had, admittedly, been slightly creepy with the staring when reading about history became boring. The man was just so intriguing to him. Hoseok hadn't seen him work here through the week, he hadn't seen him around campus either — he was an enigma to him. A mystery even. So he played what he called 'safe' and admired the librarian over the mountain of books that sat on the table in front of him.

When Hoseok walked in on Sunday morning it was dead. Everyone had gone out partying last Saturday night, leaving the library to be void on Sunday as they all nursed their hangovers. He was there, sat silently behind the tall pinewood desk, 'till he glanced up at the creak of the door opening and smiled politely at the latter. Pride and Prejudice perched in his right hand.

"Morning," Hoseok didn't expect his voice to sound like that. It was smooth — but rough, and mesmerizing. "I left all your books stacked from yesterday," he nodded to the table the latter claimed as his spot for the past weeks. The librarian's smile and eyes turning into half-moon crescents, dimples deep and on display.

"Thank you." Hoseok thanked, voice much smaller than what he wanted. Walking over and placing his bag down, taking off his jacket then making himself comfortable in his seat. He glanced over at the librarian; his gaze fixed on the book in his hand; brown eyes zoning in on the words before him.

God, he's handsome. The black button-up clings to him desperately, whenever he moves his hand to flip a page the shirt seams strain. He's got that brown skin adonis look going on, and Hoseok wants to cry. Quickly, he opens one of the books just so he could look as though he was doing something productive. But instead of studying the book, he began to think about the many possibilities of what his name could be. It's not like Hoseok was ever gonna find out his name; he'd never talk to him unless necessary to find a book.

Two hours passed and no one had even walked past the library, let alone enter it. Hoseok sighed bored, glancing to where the librarian worked on placing books on shelves. He had a trolley beside him, stacked full of books that he was organizing, placing in the correct sections. His muscular back directed at Hoseok, in which the latter's eyes trailed down to his ass; it was a fantastic one; he was just overall perfect. An Adonis, sculpted by the gods, made to torture introverted history majors.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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