naughty ceo | ʸᵒᵒⁿˢᵉᵒᵏ

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[18+ scenes]
|2646 words|

[all credit to _Jnope_
for writing out the entire
18+ scenes for me.]💘✨

mr. jung, the CEO, the chief executive owner of the Orion Palace. One of the most elegantly beautifully well-crafted Hotel Industries, owning the most luxurious hotel company around Seoul.

he was proud to announce news, as he and the Min Industries, a highly well known computer and electronics business had just partnered up. making headlines all around the world.

this meant more coordinating effective operating, marketing, financial, cultural and legal strategies and growth, for both companies, that would maximize both shareholders values.


"hm... they really did partner, yoon"

"hoseok, go back to bed..." yoongi yawned, pulling the younger by the forearm to get him to lay back down beside him.

"but look! our dads really partnered! Orion Palace, and Min Industries partnered!~" hoseok held the magazine in his hand, staring at the front cover, eyes filled with curiosity. he stared at how both men shook hands with big genuine smiles on their faces. hoseok focused on his fathers white pearly teethed smile. remembering just how similar their smiles are.


yoongi had forcefully, and successfully pulled hoseok back into bed, as he slung one of his pale big hands around the youngers waist.

"w-why would you do that?" hoseok complained, a small pout forming on his mouth, as he tried getting mad over the incident.

"sheesh, i just wanted to cuddle you. i missed your warmth." yoongi rolled his eyes, yawning in the process as well, then staring at the youngers pouty lips, giving a quick peck.

"h-hey! that's unfair." hoseok's face littered a soft pink blush, knowing that his boyfriend had kissed him off guard... again.

"well, this means that we'll get to see each other more often.. hm?" yoongi smiled a small smile, staring down at the beautiful brown, bright doe eyes.

hoseok's face lit up with joy of the realization. "you're correct! the Orion Palace and the Min Industries, would be having big projects to work on... meaning we'd have to be there as well."

yoongi pulled the younger closer by the waist, hoseok giggling in the process of how warm and ticklish the elders hands felt. they both laid still in the big bed of the penthouse, that yoongi had rented out just for the both of them.

hoseok rested in the crook of the elders neck, a warm smile on his face, as yoongi's chin rested upon hoseok's head.

a couple of hours had passed by until a blaring alarm went off, causing noise all over the room.

hoseok's head had shot up, checking what time it was, the alarm showing '9:30' realizing he was practically late to meet up with his dad.

"yoongi, im late!" hoseok spoke in ana larmes voice.

the elder simply grumbled in bed, mumbling at hoseok to get back in bed and lay with him. his black messy bed head all over the place, hoseok knew the elder wasn't planning on waking up any time soon. so he let him be, because yoongi wasn't one to play with sleep.

a couple of minutes later, hoseok had on a casual outfit, a white dress-shirt with a light pink pullover over it. wearing washed-out skinny jeans that rolled up to his ankle, and some white slip on's. his dark brown curly hair, nicely placed.

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