abandoned ||pt. 3|| | ᵒᵗ⁷

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hoseok felt his heart shatter in an instant.


what's going on?

....how do they... know?

thoughts lingered in his mind.


hoseok slowly brought his head up from the call of his name. he felt like throwing up. the thought of how he could literally feel his heart floating around in his stomach made him sick.

what was going on?

"....that's— it's not... true....." hoseok said slowly, but slightly in-audible.

"cut the bull crap hoseok, and just admit it."
namjoon said.

the latter had his fists curled to the point where his knuckles were white. his head faced down to the ground, as he plainly focused on his feet, trying to blink away the hot tears that wanted to fall.

"e-even if i do admit it," he breathed. "who even told you this?"

"well, hoseok, you don't need to worry about that—"
seokjin tried to assure hoseok, only for namjoon to butt in.


and that's when the latter could literally feel his stomach ripping apart.

"...it was chanyeol who told us... well, me... he told me." namjoon mumbled the last bit.

with a shaky breath, the hoseok tried to contain himself. "....w-why?...... joon, why would you go to that extent?...."

"this is getting ridic—"

"...i ....i thought we made an agreement joon... that we'd never speak to or of that bastard again... just why? why would you break that promise?"

tears were now starting slowly stream down the boys face. using his hands, he quickly wiped them, only for the tears to finally fall down again.

the history behind hoseok and chanyeol was a very tough subject for the boy to talk about. chanyeol was his step-brother, and still is. at the time hoseok's mother had abandoned him, a few months later, his father had re-married a new woman, who so happened to have a son of hers, known as chanyeol, who was 3 years older than mr. jungs son, hoseok.

both boys had a mutual relationship with each other in the beginning growing up, but tables started to turn after chanyeol had found out how hoseok's mother had simply abandoned him. the older boy soon thought it'd be fun to neglect his younger brother, and continued to do so when they were old enough. he neglected hoseok to the point where an unhealthy relationship was formed.

after hoseok was old enough to have a choice to move out, he took the chance and left. both parents said they would enjoy it if their sons continued living with them, or at least near them, chanyeol took up that offer, but hoseok left as soon as he could... not wanting to spend another night under the same roof with his... 'nightmare'

many months had past and so hoseok had made many new friends, among those friends was a guy named kim namjoon, who was also born the same year as hoseok. both males had many things in common, which they soon built a close bond.

hoseok and namjoon's relationship grew to a point where they could trust each other with anything, and so, hoseok told namjoon everything about his past, except the story behind his mother.

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