quiet night | ʸᵒᵒⁿˢᵉᵒᵏ

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Yoongi knew it'd be one of those nights. The nights where he's had to caress and hold his boyfriend really close.

The nights where he's had to whisper sweet nothings into the latters ear while holding onto his small waist. and thin figure. 

The nights where he's showering the boy's soft apple cheeks with chaste kisses filled with love and adoration.

The nights where he's petting the youngers brown fluffy hair until he's drifted off to sleep with quiet snores.

Yoongi knew it'd be one of those nights after the younger had slowly walked into the house, an expression the elder had seen quite too often not to know what was up, barely being able to tell there was a presence within the room, as the door quietly closed behind the younger.

"Seok-ah" he opened his arms wide, inviting the boy to come into his embrace. Yoongi's laptop long forgotten as it was tossed to the other side of the couch. The mixing of the song he was currently working on could wait.

"Hyung," was all the boy said before completely collapsing into Yoongi's arms.

It was all he needed.

It was all Hoseok needed to know that Yoongi would and always be there for him.

"How was work Seok-ah?" He spoke softly onto the boy's hair. Sitting steady, as if moving even a tiny inch would cause the boy to break.

"Tiring," Was all he could muster out. His face buried into the broad chest.

Hoseok worked as a paediatrician, he loved his job, he really did. The pay was ridiculously amazing, he worked well with others, his knowledge was immaculate, he was an all-rounder amazing paediatrician.

Though sometimes, just sometimes.. the latter would get pent up, tired, agitated, and quiet throughout the day. He was never quiet. In fact, he's considered the liveliest, happy-go-lucky smiling sunflower. Everyone knew him that way. But it's not as if he could keep up that sunny smile every day. He is human as well, having his not so bright days was also a norm for him.

Yoongi knew what to do, he always knew what to do whenever the boy came home this way.  As they both continued to be situated upon each other, Hoseok straddling the elder's lap, his face resting in the crook of Yoongi's neck, calming himself down from the elder's musky minty scent, Yoongi resting his large hands at the small of the younger's back rubbing his hands softly and slowly up and down to reassure Hobi that he was there. 

"Can hyung run a bath for you prince?"

Hoseok nodded a small nod, face flushed a faint red due the nickname before his lithe arms could wrap around the elders neck. 

And that was all Yoongi needed. He brought his hands back onto the small waist, gripping lightly to try and get the younger to move off of him so he could run the bath. But when the latter felt the younger's arms quickly tighten around his shoulders, he got the memo that Hoseok didn't want to move.  

"Carry?" The boy asked in a small voice. His face still resting in the crook of the elders neck.

Yoongi smiled. He placed both his hands beneath the latters thighs a small grip before lifting all the weight. The small breath he held was quickly released, Hoseok seemed to be smiling as well. 

"Hyung, you've been getting  even stronger!" He praised.

Yoongi had been putting in a lot of work at the gym lately. His main resolution this year being that he continued working out, to get fitter, healthier, and much more stronger. It wasn't only Yoongi who was proud of himself, but Hoseok as well. The younger was bashful when he started noticing slight differences on the elder. He noticed how his shoulders started to become even broader, his arms began having those nice curves that showed that there were strong muscles. He also noticed how Yoongi's height started to change... He had become a bit taller? Maybe his eyes were deceiving him, but nevertheless the younger was just so proud of his hyung. His hyung was the living proof that hard work always pays off. 

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