of all people | ʲᶦʰᵒᵖᵉ |pt. 1

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loud music made its way throughout the entire floor, causing the many disco lights which surrounded the room to change its colours at every beat.

many bodies filled the dance floor, just as much as many more bodies filled the mini bar with only the two bartenders tending it.

some people mingled their way through the large doors, wanting to head outside to where the party continued, the darkness engulfed the sky, fresh breeze making its way around every now and then.

hoseok himself tried making his way inside the large party room, his nose scrunching up a bit as the entire room reeked of alcohol, expensive to cheap cologne that filled the air, along with the sweaty bodies that danced alongside with each other.

he had had his own fill and satisfaction for the night, sighing a bit as re called the conversation he had with his hyung last night, about not wanting to come to the university gathering.

"this is a great opportunity for you to meet new people and get a feel of what the school's like,"

the boy passed his delicate fingers through his coffee brown soft curly hair, then made his way towards the bar, deciding to drink a bit before heading off. grateful that the bar was a bit emptier than it was before.


"how may i help you young sir?"

"may i please get a lemon drop with some sprite added in to it?" hoseok placed his order.

"of course, give me a moment," the bartender smiled.

"thank you,"

the curly head pulled out his phone from his back pocket, checking the time before logging into his phone, as he passed time by scrolling through his socials.

"hey, could i have a kamikaze? yeah, add some coke into it too please. thanks,"

the boy felt another presence right beside him, one seat away from him in fact, hearing the mans clear voice placing his order.

hoseok played with his phone a bit more before shutting it off, laughing a little in the process before placing it down on the counter top.

"listen, if you want my number, just ask," hoseok said, now sipping a small sip from his drink that the bartender placed in front of him not too long ago, his nose scrunching from the after taste.

"what makes you think i want it?" the man from across him chuckled to himself. amused at where this was going.

"the stares i've been getting from you all night, don't seem to lie," hoseok smiled, thinking of the way the mans plumped lips that he saw from afar, were probably going into a deep smirk.

"so i assume you've been staring at me as well? correct me if i'm wrong" a smirk was growing on the mans lips as the boy predicted.

"so you admitted it,"

"i didn't admit anything,"

another bartender arrived with the kamikaze that was ordered a few minutes ago. sliding it across the counter top 'til it arrived to the man.


the bartender nodded, before heading off to serve another customer.

Hoseok X BTS | oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now