butterflies from heaven | ʸᵒᵒⁿˢᵉᵒᵏ

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this time monokink gave me the prompt, and i wrote the story❤

the prompt she gave me was: 

"there's a costume party at school and shy soft delicate hoseok goes as an angel despite having no friends , someone dressed like a demon / devil wearing a red eye mask flirts with hoseok all night and they just walk around and hang out until the boy dressed as a devil/demon gives a kiss before he has to leave and the last thing he hears is something about his angel so he desperately tries to find out who the boy is but has trouble because he is shy until one day while he is in his own world or something he hears the quote about angels and finds out who the boy was and you can end it however you want or whatever"


hoseok walked around in the loud hallways that were currently blaring loud music. looking as delicate as ever, in his semi white long dress that ended on his soft mid thigh, with shiny white pearls that decorated the collar of the "dress", white slides with faux fur on this, he carried along large white wings, a golden halo over his soft brown fluffy hair, and to top if off, a white eye mask decorated with silver and golden glitter, with a bit of faux white fur.

the school was having a costume party, and despite the small soft boy not having anyone to go with, he still chose to dress up as an angel and try to attend the party.

hoseok walked along the crowded hallways, trying to find his way around, people shoving him along the way as they tried to catch up with their friends. until all of a sudden, he was shoved hardly onto someones back


yoongi stood still in the middle of the hallway checking some messages until he felt a bit of wait on his back. the elder turned around to see who the hell it was

"s-sorry..." hoseok looked up, quickly apologizing. "s-somebody accidentally shoved me into you.." he trailed off, fiddling with the hem of his "dress"

yoongi simply stared down at the little angel, he didn't know who it was as the boy had on  a small white mask,"it's all good," he held his breath as he continued to stare down at him. the elder turned off his phone, shoving it into his back pocket . 

"hey," yoongi spoke to hoseok over the loud music"i have an idea..." he continued. hoseok slowly looked up at the elder with his brown doe eyes, wondering what this stranger really had to say to him. "well, were both dressed up, considering this is a costume party and all, but... you seem to be dressed up as an angel, and well, i'm dressed up as a devil.... so.... wanna be my partner for tonight?" yoongi smiled down at hoseok, rubbing the back of his neck. 

hoseok was a bit surprised at first, but yoongi was dressed up as a devil. he wore read horns over his black hair, a red zip up sweater, some black jeans, and all red huaraches while holding a human sized length red trident. to be honest, he was quite attractive so it made him a bit nervous being the kind soul hoseok was, he accepted with a wide smile. "okay!"


the pair walked around the halls, trying different foods and drinks, but hoseok almost getting lost twice. it was hard for the small boy to make his way around, until he felt large hands get a grip of his"i'll hold your hand so you don't get lost" hoseok stared at the back f yoongi's head as the elder lead the way "you're my partner after all, and we do go together, so it's better this way.." yoongi tried to contain his smile while hoseok giggled, entangling their hands in the process. the night was going by really well, they dance, ate lots of food, and were having a blast.

both yoongi and hoseok even learned a few things about each other, but it didn't cross yoongi's mind to what hoseok looked like. he did take notice though in how small the male was, he looked delicate, each step he took made his soft fluffy hair bounce. he even noticed the small pout the younger would always have whenever he felt bothered..... to say he was catching feelings with somebody he didn't even know how they looked would be a complete understatement.


hoseok and yoongi were currently outside at the back, they sat on the wooden bench that faced the lake that reflected the moonlight ever so brightly at night. hoseok was interested by a bush near them that was filled with royal blue butterflies flying around it, yoongi was distracted staring at the moon, one arm resting over the bench, making it seem as if hoseok was resting on him.

"....they say... butterflies are the heaven sent kisses of an angel..." hoseok trailed off, catching yoongi's attention

"hm? what was that seok-ah?"

"they say butterflies are the heaven sent kisses of an angel" the boy smiled, staring up at yoongi and repeating himself once more. 

they had been staring at each other for what seemed to be like 40 seconds, but felt like 5 minutes. yoongi was really wondering why he hadn't asked if hoseok could take off his mask, but he was just so enthralled by the youngers beauty that shined so brightly.

with hoseok staring up at the elder, yoongi leaned in closer to hoseok, planting a quick peck at the corner of the shorters mouth, right next to the little mole on his soft, plumped pink lips.

hoseok felt a rush of butterflies erupting in his stomach, quickly using both his hands to cover his face, in embarrassment,

"i-i- when- i've g-got to go n-now!.. " hoseok squeaked, trying to cover his face with his small hands, due to embarassment.

"i-i have to go n-now.... th-thank you for spending some time with me for today!" hoseok bowed down and quickly jogged off.

yoongi enjoyed staring at the way hoseok shily rambled on. the elder loved the flustered boy even more because of this. 

'wishing hard to see you again soon, angel' yoongi thought to himself, giving off a soft smile


3 days later after that crazy but amazing costume party, yoongi was so badly looking for his little lover. he thought he'd see him again, but to no avail did he find him. the elder sighed, taking his phone from his back pocket as he sat down by a nearby bench, mindlessly checking for notifications.

"butterflies are the heaven sent kisses of an angel..."

yoongi kept scrolling until he heard those familiar words... along with the soft voice.

'huh?' yoongi thought himself.

he looked to where the familiar words came from, until he laid eyes on the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. 

'is that... hoseok?' he thought.

'imposible. min yoongi, stop daydreaming.'

there hoseok stood, under a big scarlet oak tree, staring up at the pretty monarch and red admirable butterflies that danced above him.

his bambi eyes curiously staring u[ at the insects, he wore a too big of a pastel blue and purple striped sweater that seemed to swallow him up, and too short for jean shorts that hugged his beautiful soft tanned thighs lovingly.

yoongi was in fucking love, and he was going to appreciate every single moment of it, if it was hoseok. 


hoseok heard his name being called as he slowly turned around to see who it was from.


a/n: this one is also one of my favourite ones that i've written. did u guys enjoy that? ♡ 

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