cover up | ʲᵘⁿᵍʰᵒᵖᵉ

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 requested by HelloPeopleIzMeh

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requested by HelloPeopleIzMeh


jungkook was currently clenching his teeth as hard as he could because of the way he watched his friends around his one and only beloved hyung, who he loved with his entire being, dreading if anything would ever happen to, hoseok.

he payed close attention to the way one of his close friends jimin would ever so lightly brush his hands around hoseoks tanned toned thighs, giving it a light squeeze.

hoseok sat in between both taehyung and yoongi and jungkook watched the way both males would lightly hold onto his waist with their large hands bringing the male closer to them, and the way jin and namjoon would pat hoseok's fluffy curly bouncy hair while cupping his face.

no, he didn't miss a single action they did. jungkook sat from afar on one of the chairs, using his hand to support his head as it was propped onto the table, paying close attention to the way they were showering his hyung with love.

but did hoseok seem to notice? not one bit. the male hardly ever thought anything of it. he simply giggled once or twice, laughing whole heartedly with his soft heart shaped lips as he played around with the others. he didn't even notice the way jungkook was acting off.

this wasn't anything new though, it always happened everytime the group of friends would have a gathering together. jungkook usually never liked the idea of bringing his boyfriend along because of the way his friends would stare with hungry eyes. he always made sure to try and cover up hoseok whenever they would meet up with even one of them. it wasn't that he didn't trust hoseok, but he just didn't trust his friends enough for hoseok to be around them. you could say, he was very possessive of him.

it was quite a hot day so hoseok wore very short shorts, and a baby blue baggy t-shirt that showed off his petite chest and collar bones. before leaving, jungkook protested, but hoseok wasn't having any of it. he didn't see what was the problem, and he definitely wasn't going to wear the long sleeved grey turtle neck, and track pants that the younger offered in place of his shirt and shorts.

jungkook watched as yoongi whispered something into his boyfriend's ear causing him to give a light hearted giggle.

that was it. jungkook got up from his seat, walked over to the couch, pulling hoseok up by the wrist and causing all attention to land on him.

"thank you for having us," jungkook said trying to sound happy, "it was cool seeing you guys again. until next time... hopefully" he said before pulling a surprised hoseok along.

"j-jungkook—" hoseok tried protesting but to no avail. "we gotta go seok, i have something important to do" hosoek pouted before saying his goodbyes as well.

"bye guys!" he smiled, "see you guys next time, make sure to get lots of sleep and stay healthy" he showed off his lovely smile before running off to catch up to jungkook.

both males were walking down the street as jungkook listened to hoseok whining about why they had left.

"you're always doing this kook," he pouted with a frown on his face. "you always make us leave early~ we barely even spent 2 hours there and we've left!" he continued to whine.

jungook still had a light frown on his face, as the thoughts of the way his friends were touching hoseok, making him laugh, and adoring him kept floating around his head. he didn't seem to pay any attention to the way hoseok kept complaining about why they had left, and why it's bad to do that as he simply hummed his replies and nodded his head.

"i- you're not even paying attention are you?" hoseok pout deepened. "this is why we can't ever go anywhere~"

jungkook simply sighed as he continued walking, his space speedening up.

"do you mind slowing down koo—" hoseok stooped, as he felt someone grabbing his wrist.

"um, excuse me, but do you mind if i have your number? i just so happened to have seen you and may i say, you're the most gorgeous person i've ever seen." he complimented hosoek, holding his phone in his hands.

"um.." to be very honest hoseok was very flustered, he didn't know what to say nor do as a compl te stranger had complimented him.

"i-i don't think that's a good idea sir," he smiled, "besides, i have a boyfriend.." hoseok was getting ready to leave before the stranger pulled him by the wrist again.

"i don't care that you have a boyfriend, can i please get your number? i can treat you." he insisted, "my name is jaebum, just come wit—"

"and who the fuck are you?" a deep and stern voice was heard. it was a foreign voice to jaebum, but very well known to hoseok. jungkook stood behind his short boyfriend as he stared at jaebum.

"kook!" hoseok yelped with happiness as he ran and hid behind jungkook. "i literally walked for 3 minutes until i realized you were no where near me.. only for me to find out you were getting hit on.. again," jungkook complained.

"listen, i don't know who the fuck you are but i suggest you leave my boyfriend and i alone before things get ugly. he has me, and i have him." jungkook said firmly.

jaebum reaches behind jungkook as he gripped onto hoseok's wrist one more. "but i just nee—"

and that was when the stranger received a hard blow to the jaw. "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yelled in pain as he held onto his jaw.

"don't you ever lay a fucking finger on him." he spat out before walking away with a very frightened hoseok.

"let's go hobi." jungkook wrapped an arm around hoseoks waist as they walked off.

"this is exactly why i dislike it when YOU get to pick your clothing..." he lightly complained as hoseok simply pouted.

a/n; i hoped y'all liked this update uwu, comment down some requests so i can update more💘💖💗💕
go read my new works TOY|jihope and INSTGRAM|yoonseok

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