lait sucré | pt 2

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Yoongi thanked Seokjin for driving him home. Also thanking him for the many advice he gave him about his current situation.

"Talk it out with him, so this situation doesn't drag onto the next day,"

"Just tell him the truth Yoongi-ah. It's much better than bottling it all up!"

"It's really all or nothing! The outcome could change at any given moment,"

"You're in your pre-rut... so be gentle when talking to him!"

Yoongi slowly made his way upstairs, a slight frown etched onto his face as he walked in the hallway, hearing faint sobs and his heart plummeting down into his stomach.

He opened the room door softly, Hoseok's back facing the entrance, and his crying had automatically stopped while he laid there with a stilled body. The elder walked hesitantly towards the omega, not wanting to upset him anymore. He took a deep breath, not liking this tension that was between them.


He called out faintly, hand gently placed on his shoulder.

"Seok-ah, please, I wanna apologize,"

Hoseok said nothing but shook his head.

"...Please... It's important,"

The younger released a breath, turning his head behind him to stare up at the elder man, waiting for him to say what needed to be said.

"I'm sorry Hoseok, I'm so so sorry. I know I was- No, I've been such a douchebag lately, and I'd really like to take my time to apologize to you. Even if you don't accept it, I'd really like to let you know that you're very important to me," Yoongi took a deep breath before continuing. "I've always admired you and the way you do things, and I just think you're absolutely fucking amazing. You're always looking out for me and others, always making sure everyone's okay, that were healthy and that we've eaten, yet nobody's been doing the same for you. And—And I was supposed

to be that person looking out for you, that person caring for you, that person making sure that you're healthy and that you've eaten, but yet, I wasn't there for you.

The younger looked up at him from the bed, eyes widening by each word Yoongi said.

"You deserve someone better. You deserve the world, the stars the galaxy and the universe. You deserve to be with some amazing alpha who you can mate and bond with and just have an amazing time together before you both decide to get pups." Yoongi said with slight tears in his eyes. "You deserve someone who's capable of giving you all that... And I honestly thought I was that person... I'm so fucking sorry Seok-ah,"

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