crave pt 1.5

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fuck, i just realized wp cut off the entire half of Crave, and this was actually supposed to be one WHOLE part (><) but now it's a 2nd part.

i'm considering publishing part 2 when hoseok gives birth bc it's been highly requested.

"W—why would you say that," And Hoseok's reddening even more as Yoongi's stifling laughter. "And, I am relaxed."  He pouts, turning around to face the workers who seemed to be enjoying the view of the couple.

"Alright, Hoseok-ah, you stand right there and Yoongi, get closer behind him." The photographer points orders, as another man and woman are fixing the lights.

Yoongi gets close, hands up and holding onto the pregnant stomach. Hoseok doesn't know what the feeling is but he's starting to relax, an easy smile making its way onto his face.

"Perfect," The photographer praises. "Stay like that."

The crew complement and praise the couple about how beautiful they are and how good they look together.

They take a few more standing shots, one of which is Hoseok leaning in to kiss Yoongi as the elder's hands are holding onto his waist. The kiss is cute and soft but Hoseok can feel Yoongi getting carried away so he gently, but quickly pushes his chest before anything gets out of hand.

Soon, they're taking solo shots. Hoseok's laying on the grass on his side, arm up to support his head as two women wrap the shawl around him in a different way. He thanks them before they're back to taking the shots. And it's not long before it's Yoongi getting his solo shots. All of Yoongi's pictures are probably Hoseok's favourite because he just can't seem to love the way his husband looks like a rich CEO—which in fact, he is but that's besides the point.

The shoot is finally over and Hoseok thanks all the workers because it was a fun experience, and hopefully, he can have another one because it's been a long time since he's dolled up.

As they're heading back home, Hoseok's craving for ice cream and Yoongi reminds him that he stocked up the entire freezer of Ben & Jerry's. But Hoseok doesn't want Ben & Jerry at the moment, he wants Skinny Cow's salt-kissed caramel frozen greek yogurt on a stick. Yoongi side-eyes him because what the hell is that? He doesn't know, but he pulls over at a gas station and is lucky to find Skinny Cow, so he buys 5 boxes of different flavours just in case.

Yoongi's driving again. He can see with his peripheral vision Hoseok ripping open the wrapper and revealing a marbled designed ice cream bar.  Hoseok bites onto it, chewing as he nods his head in approval because 'It's really good, try it.' Hoseok's poking his mouth with the ice cream bar, and Yoongi gives in, biting onto it as well—and wow, it really is good. The saltiness and sweetness mixed together having this really creamy taste.



Yoongi turns his head from the TV, gaze meeting with Hoseok who stood there in his baggy shirt which faintly outlined his round stomach, and his short shorts revealing smooth tanned lean legs. He's chewing on the big protein bar Yoongi had recently bought, and his phone held in the other hand.

"What's up?"  Yoongi tousled his hair, arms opening for Hoseok to sit beside him, but instead choosing to sit on the elder's lap.

"Look," Hoseok chews. "Look at this." He holds the phone in front of Yoongi for him to see.

Yoongi really doesn't know what he's looking at, other than a bowl with peculiar designs and a wooden stick.

"Uh, what is it?" He takes the phone out of Hoseok's hand to get a better look.

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