Chapter 1

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As she sits on the edge of the awful salmon color bath tub. She stares off blankly, the crimson red letters spelling out 'I found you' written on the wall in her bedroom at Hank's house, its all she can think about, the image burned into her memory. The timer on her new phone goes off, breaking her from thoughts momentarily as she stands to rinse her hair. Once she's done, she rubs her towel back and forth quickly all around her head. Then she looks at herself in the dimly lit motel bathroom. She decided to dye her hair, from the natural brunette color, to a dirty blonde. She also cut a few inches off, so it came to rest on her shoulders, instead of going past them. She'd hoped it'd help hide from him. The whole reason she was doing this, was to get away from him. She just hoped their plan of getting away would work, and he wouldn't find her. She grips the edge of the sink so her knuckles are turning white. She feels sick, she's nervous, and scared. She takes a deep breath, before she walks out of the bathroom, to find Hank; a man who has been like a father to her for the last ten years, is talking to a guy she's never met before.

"Erin, this is Antonio, I worked with him when he was a rookie, back in Chicago, until he decided to move with his family here. He's good police, and I trust him. He'll be taking you the rest of the way." Hank says

"How long do I have to stay there?"

"Erin we've been over this, you'll stay there until we catch Charlie." Hank answers, he walks over to where Erin stands next to her German Shepherd, Chance. The ninety pound dog has never liked Hank, or any man for that matter. Erin blamed Charlie and his friends for tormenting him when she first found him as a malnourished puppy, five years ago. Chance had never bitten anyone, and usually stopped growling, when Erin would say his name. But tonight he wasn't having it and wouldn't allow Hank to come too close to her.

"Alright, I'll stop here." He says to the dog now standing between them.

"I'll keep in touch with Antonio, we won't stop until we get him."

"Ok, I hope you find him soon."

"We will, just think of this as a little vacation."

"You know I've always been a home body."

"I know, but this is the safest option for you."


"Take care kid, I'll see you soon."

"Thanks Hank." She says, tears in her eyes, being a street kid, not much scared Erin, but this, leaving Illinois, leaving her life, and going to northern Wisconsin, scared the shit out of her.


Erin's POV

I try to take a nap, in hopes that when I woke we'd be there, and the seven hour drive would be over. But between Chance's panting and Antonio not so light singing, I can't seem to calm myself enough to just close my eyes and go to sleep. His singing isn't bad, but the song he's singing along to isn't exactly a lullaby. I let him finish the song, before I reach for the volume and turn it down.

"So Antonio what do I have to look forward to in..."

"Hayfield, and it may not seem like much at first, but it's a nice town, it's pretty small, so everyone knows each other." He says, and I gulp, not liking the idea. 'Its just temporary Erin' I say in my head.

"I know it probably sounds scary, but everyone will accept you quickly. It only took my family and I a few weeks to fit in."

"How long have you lived in Hayfield?" I ask

"Five years."

"I feel like this going to be exactly like being the new kid at school." I say and chuckles.

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