Chapter 14

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Nadia gently pushes the door to her guest bedroom open, with a cup of coffee in both of her hands. Erin's so busy looking at the half dozen dresses on the bed that she doesn't even notice her come in.

"Hey." Nadia says, and Erin looks over at her.

"Hey, which one?"

"Have you slept at all?" Nadia asks.

Erin nods and says "A little." Nadia walks over to stand beside her, and hands her one of the mugs as she looks at the dresses.

"This one." She says; picking up one of the dresses.

"Thanks." Erin says taking the dress from her, and replacing the plastic protective bag over it.

"When are you coming back?" Nadia asks

"Sunday." Erin says

"Why so soon?"

"I'm looking at that apartment on Monday, and then I have an interview right after."

"You know you don't have to rush into getting a job or an apartment so soon, you know you can take some time."

"I've had time, and I need to get a new apartment Nadia."

"You can stay here, or let Hank get you a new apartment like he offered."

"No I can't do that to either of you."

"Well there's always the third option."

"What?" Erin asks confused.

"You could stay in Wisconsin, and live with him." Nadia says with a weak smile.

"We're not starting this again." Erin says, hanging up the rest of the dresses back up in the closet.

"So we're just never going to talk about this?"

"What's there to talk about?"

"Come on, let's start with something small, like what his name is?" Nadia says giving her a stern look. Erin lets out a sigh, before she says

"His name is Jay." Her heart both constricting, and fluttering just saying his name.

"What's he like?" Nadia asks.

"I really don't want to talk about him Nadia, please?"

"Do you love him?" Nadia asks and Erin shrugs even though she knows she does.

"Erin, you're my best friend, my sister really. We've seen each other through a lot, so I know first hand that no one deserves happiness more than you." Nadia says as she goes to give Erin a quick hug.

"And as much as I've missed having you here, in Chicago. I've realized in the last two weeks that this isn't where your heart is anymore."

"I can't stay there Nads."


"I'm the one who ran, I left, and I didn't even say goodbye."

"If he loves you like you love him, he'll forgive you, and if he doesn't than I'll come up there myself, kick his ass, and then bring you back home." Nadia says seriously, and Erin chuckles sadly.

"Seriously Erin, go get your man, tell him you love him, go to this wedding together, and then you two get married soon and have ridiculously beautiful babies." Nadia says, and Erin raises her eyebrow at her.

She goes to the bathroom, and grabs all of her makeup, before throwing it all in it's own bag. When she's got everything packed she goes out to the living room. Nadia is sitting on the couch petting Chance who has his leash on.

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