Chapter 12

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A/N: This chapter is nothing special just a filler, and no cliffhanger. I hope you still like it, and if you do please review. If not, please keep it to yourself. Thank You!


When he gets back to the hospital, he runs to Erin's room. Kim, Ms. Belle, and the doctor are standing next to the hospital bed, where Erin is still laying. She looks so small, with all different kinds of wires and tubes hooked up to her, and various different machines. Her pale skin appears to have a grey tinge to it, and she almost matches the color of the sheets. He gets chills looking at her unconscious form, and he thinks about how she must be freezing even more than she usually is. The steady beeping coming from one of the machines calms him a little, as he walks to stand at the foot of her bed.

"What happened?" He asks, and his mom looks from Erin to him.

"I was talking to Erin after you left, and she started coughing really hard, she was struggling to breath, and then her eyes rolled back." Kim says

"She has what's often called delayed drowning." The doctor says

"What does that mean? Is it why she lost consciousness?"

"It means she still has fluid in her lungs, and she's not getting enough oxygen in. Sudden exhaustion can be a symptom of delayed drowning, but the loss of consciousness was likely also due to the amount of stress she been under as well."

"So what are you going to do for her?" He asks next

"Provide her with more oxygen, continue to give her IV fluids and antibiotics." She says, as Jay sits down on the edge of the bed; looking at Erin.

"We're actually going to get some x rays of her chest right now, to see just how much fluid is still in her lungs, and if her treatment needs to be more aggressive. You can wait here, and we'll bring her right back." The doctor adds when two nurses joins them in the room. Ms. Belle, Jay, and Kim either stand or sit off to the side of the room as they wheel Erin out.

"I shouldn't have left." Jay says after a few minutes.

"Don't do that Jay, even if you were here there's nothing you could have done." Ms. Belle says, standing up from the chair and giving him a hug.

"Going to the district was just a waste of time anyways. I ended doing something I wouldn't normally do, just to get nothing. I could have been here for her." He says, as his mother backs away from him.

"Jay-" Kim starts but he walks out of the room.

He comes back just as the doctor and nurses bring Erin back to the room.

"Erin has a small amount of fluid left in her lungs, but it should clear quickly."

"So how long will she have to stay here, like this?" He asks; nodding over the bed.

"We'll keep her on the ventilator for twenty four hours, and if all goes well she can leave in a few days." The doctor says, and Kim, and Ms. Belle nod. Jay goes to sit in a chair next to the bed, and takes Erin's small, cold hand in his. He doesn't even notice the doctor leave, as he brings her hand up a little, and bends to press a gentle kiss to her palm. He scoots closer to the bed, and pretty much stays there for the days to follow.


Her hand is being weighed down, much like it has been the last two days, but now the weight is heavier. She turns her head to the side, as she opens her eyes. A weak smile tugs at her lips, seeing his messy, wavy brown hair. One of his arms is folded over hers, their fingers are laced together, and his head is laying half on the bed, and half on her forearm. Her wrist hurts a little, but she doesn't dare to move; wanting to let him sleep. She even tries to stifle her coughs, trying not to wake him. A knock at the door, brings her attention away from her man, and over to the front of the room.

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