Chapter 26

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Thinking back he realizes that he didn't say more than a few words to him while they were there, mostly about his time on the job, and yet somehow he's more nervous now than he was then, but he musters up the courage to address him.

"Mr. Voight, Camille do you think I can talk to you for a minute please?" He asks, and Hank nods once again.


They follow behind him as he walks to the back porch. He opens the door allowing them to walk outside first, as he looks around to make sure Nadia still has Erin distracted, and then he closes the door. He takes a few deep breaths, as he turns to face his girlfriend's parents.

"I know this is only our second time meeting, but I want you to know how much I love Erin." He starts, the cold stare of making him even more nervous. "I'm not planning on asking her just yet, one of the reason being-"

"Just spit out kid!" Hank says sternly, and Camille elbows him in his side.

"Hank!" She says

"What? He's rambling, and we all know Erin's going to come looking for us soon, so just cut to the chase."

"I uh, I want to ask Erin to marry me, but I want to get your permission first. May I have your blessing to marry your daughter."

"Of course dear." Camille says excitedly, looking at her husband expectedly with a smile on her face.

"Camille can you make sure Erin doesn't come out." Hank asks, and she nods before back inside.

"You have my permission son, but know if you ever do anything to hurt her, or if there's ever an instance where you don't have her back, I promise they won't find your body." Hank says coming a little closer to Jay, and then extending his hand out, and Jay looks down, and shakes his hand as he says

"I'll never do anything to hurt her sir."

Then they go back inside, just as Erin, Nadia, Kim, and Hailey come out of the kitchen.


The party goes by quickly, and before they know it they're saying goodbye to Erin's friends, and then her pseudo family. The only people left at Ms. Belle's other than Erin, Jay, James, and Ms. Belle are Nadia, Kim, Adam, Hailey, and Kevin.

"Well I think we should move the celebration over to Lottie's." Adam says as they finish cleaning up, and Erin looks at Nadia, and Jay.

"Don't look at me, it's up to you babe."

"Ok, yeah we'll come."

"Cool, we'll see you there then." Adam says, as the four of them leave.

"Thank you for hosting this Ms. Belle."

"It was no problem dear, Happy Birthday."


"Now go have fun at Lottie's." Ms. Belle says

"Alright thanks ma." Jay says as she gives him a hug.

"It was nice seeing you again Nadia."

"You too Ms. Belle." Nadia says as she gives her a hug too.


When the three of them get to Lottie's they walk to the back where the Atwater's, and Ruzek's are sitting along with Mouse, and Abby. Erin introduces Nadia to Mouse and Abby while Jay goes to get drinks. Abby smiles, and says

"Nice to meet you." Before she finishes her beer, and walks to the bar. Nadia immediately joins the conversation. Erin watches as Abby stands next to Jay. His body is tense again like it was when Mouse brought her to his mom's house on the fourth. She says something to him, and he nods, but doesn't look at her. Then she runs her finger down Jay's arm, and Erin feels her blood begin to boil, and even more so when she clutches his forearm. Then his attention turns from one of the TV's mounted near the ceiling to the brunette next to him. He nods at her just as the bartender gets him the beers he ordered, and he grabs them, and walks back to the table. Erin gives him a questioning look, and he shakes his head as he gets closer.

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