Chapter 7

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"I'd love to go on a date with you." She whispers against his lips, with a smile and he smiles at her; giving her another kiss.


They're interrupted by a knock at the front door, and the dogs barking. Erin jumps, and backs away from Jay.

"Stay here, I'll go see who it is" Jay says as he exits the kitchen.

He comes back quickly behind his uncle.

"Are you ok?" Al says, looking Erin over.

"Yeah I'm good." Erin replies, a somewhat confused expression on her face.

"Why wouldn't she be?" Jay questions

"I just talked to Sean Roman, I asked him what happened, but he didn't remember. Then I talked Burgess and Ruzek, since they brought him in, and they told me what happened. I gave you my go ahead less than eighteen hours ago, and you already put her at risk."

"I didn't think we'd-" Jay begins

"Maybe the problem is that you didn't think Jay. I don't believe I have to remind either of you of the situation." He says, and Jay and Erin both shake their heads.

"Stay out of public, and keep her safe Jay, or the next move out, will be permanent." Al adds. They both nod their heads at him, before he leaves.


"So where are we going?" Erin asks when they sit down at the table.

"Do you like surprises?" He asks giving her a grin before taking a bite.

"Not usually." She says, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well that's too bad." He says; taking another bite.

"Tell me please?" She says; giving him a pout much like the one she gave him last night.

"Nope." He says; taking the final bite of his omelet and leaving the table, a huge grin plastered on his face. The look on her face almost has him giving in again, but he tries his best not to look at her.


They had planned on going on their date later in the day but as they were making their lunch, it started raining. That was three days ago, and the rain hasn't stopped. Jay wanted to take her on a date outdoors, but has since settled on doing something simple inside.

"Hey uncle Al, can someone come over tonight for maybe an hour?" He says when he hears the line pick up.

"What's going on?"

"I just need to go to the store."

"I'll be there at five"

"Thanks uncle Al." Jay says before hanging up the phone.


"Hey." Jay says walking into Erin's room, after finishing their dinner.

"Hey." She says, putting her book down, and turning to face him.

"Dinner's ready." He says, and she gets up from the bed. She goes to walk into the kitchen, but he gently grabs her waist from behind, and guides her towards the fireplace, at the side of the living room.

He's nervous when she doesn't say anything, and becomes even more anxious as they walk past the couch, and his little set up comes into view. The red and black flannel blanket he put down on the floor, is surrounded by six throws pillows, and an assortment of candles. In the middle of the blanket is their dinner, with two more candles. And there's a fire crackling lightly in the fireplace.

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