Chapter 8

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His shorts fall to the floor, and cause a small splash. Stepping out of them, he walks to pin Erin against the cool tile wall. She gasps as he picks up the pace, her face against his shoulder, and his is buried in the crook of her neck.

She finds her release quickly, and he pumps his hips into her a few more times before his body stills as he too falls over the edge. His breath sputters against her neck, while hers starts to slow. His bruising grip on her thighs loosens slightly, as she peppers kisses along his shoulder, neck, and jaw. Despite his muscles shaking, he makes no attempt in putting her down.

"Wow." She whispers into his ear; pressing one last kiss just behind it, before she pulls his head away her neck. Her hazel eyes lock on his dark blue ones. She smiles at him, and he gives her a crooked smile that makes her melt. She leans down, and attaches her lips to his. Jay pulls her away from the wall, and goes to stand under the water again; finally releasing her legs. His hands go to her waist, to steady her. They clean each other off; trying to become familiar with the other's body. When he turns her around, he kisses her neck. His length pressed against the curve of her ass. She bites back a moan, when she feels him bob, and begin to harden again, against her. She reaches back, and lines him up with her, and he sinks in again.


Jay walks back into the living room after cleaning their dishes from lunch. He looks like a little kid; his gaze set on the two glasses of water in his hands. He bumps into the end table right next to where Erin's seated on the couch. The lamp shakes and the picture frame wobbles a little before it falls forward. It seems to fall in slow motion as she leans forward, and catches it. He raises his eyebrow at her, and gives her a smirk.

"Again, I'm the klutz?" She says, still holding the frame.

"I was making sure I didn't spill the water." He says seriously, but she laughs.

"I'm pretty sure the picture frame breaking would have made a bigger mess than the water spilling."

"Touché" He says sitting down next to her, as she looks at the picture still in her hands. It's of a lady who looks exactly like Ms. Belle but her smile is different, and her eyes a little more green. There's a red haired little boy who she assumes is Will, peaking around the blue easel, and another little boy, sitting in her lap; looking up at her. Erin smiles at the candid picture, and looks over at Jay; who is also looking at the picture.

"Your mom looks just like her."

"Yeah." He says sadly.

"Were you close?" She asks shyly

"I spent more time here than anywhere else as a kid. Whenever I had a bad day at school, or when my dad was being the drunken asshole he is, I'd come here. Nana always made me forget, and sometimes Gramps would too." He says, tears filling his eyes. Erin's hand comes to cup his cheek; her thumb sweeping back and forth over his stubbly skin. She wants to ask him more about what he means, but she doesn't want to push him.

"The first time I was sent home early after getting into a fight at school; I had a busted lip and a black eye. I knew my dad would be pissed if I went home, I'm sure he would of said something to make me weak like he always did, so I asked if I could come here. My mom didn't even have to call and ask, she just drove me here, and Nana didn't say anything when I just walked in. My mom went back to work, and Nana and I went to our spot, and skipped rocks, and talked. I remember her trying to cheer me up, and saying 'Don't let those little assholes bring you down. They're just jealous of your good looks, and razor sharp mind.' He says, changing his voice a little as he says his grandma's words, along with a sad chuckle.

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