Chapter 4

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Jay wakes up and goes straight to the kitchen, when the smell of fresh bacon becomes too much of temptation. He doesn't bother to stop to put on a shirt. When he gets to the kitchen he's surprised to see that Erin isn't there. He grabs some bacon off of one of the plates on the counter, before going to look for her. It has been almost two weeks since she sprained her ankle. And since then the two of them have started to talk a little more, and become a little more comfortable with each other.

He peeks his head in her room, when he finds that she'd left it open. But she's not there either. He listens for the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, but it's silent. With that he continues to the living room, and then from there, back to the kitchen. That's when he sees her. She's sitting on the back porch, on one of the chairs surrounding the large table. Her back is to him, but he can see her look up, towards the water, and then back down at the table. He quietly makes his way outside, and slowly walks up behind her. The dogs both lift their heads up to look at him from their spot, where they lay side by side, next to Erin. He stops to watch them, as Chance lays his head back down, and then Carly scoots closer to him, and places her head on his neck. He smiles at the dogs as he takes the final steps to Erin. She's drawing, well sketching. She's drawn the trees, the grass, the water, the whole scene in front of her is perfectly drawn out in various shades of grey on her paper. She tucks her hair behind her ear with one hand as the other puts the finishing touches on the picture. Her hair blowing in the early morning breeze a little. He thinks he's never seen anything, or anyone as beautiful as her in that moment.

She feels his presence, feels him watching her. The gaze of his blue green eyes practically burning holes in the side of her face. But she doesn't let him know, not until she's almost done with her sketch.

"Should I be creeped out or flattered that you came out here to stare at me?" She says with a smile as she sets the pencil down, and turns her head to look at him.

"Definitely flattered." He says with a smirk, throwing her a wink.

"But I was actually looking at your picture, it reminds me of one my grandmother did once. She'd come out here, to draw or paint when she had free time."

"I don't blame her, it's beautiful here, I wish I would have brought my paint with me."

"Can I see it?" He asks, and she looks down at the pad before picking it up and handing it to him. He looks at it, truly looks at it, and it amazes him how much this one looks like his grandma's painting from almost this exact spot, years ago.

"You're really talented." He says to her, and she smiles, as a blush takes over her face.

"Do you mind?" He asks, pointing to the pad. At first she doesn't get what he's asking, but as he stands there, and looks at her expectantly she figures he's asking to look through the rest of the pages.

She shakes her head and runs her fingers through her hair. He starts at the page of her most recent sketch, and works back. He finds one of her room, a few of Chance, some of them with Carly, and then he gets to one of him.

She watches him, and his expressions as he flips through the pages. Then his expression softens, and she knows he's gotten to the sketch of him. It's just from his shoulders up, his head turned to the side, but he's smiling; wide enough that the lines in his cheeks are well defined, and his eyes are almost closed. She had drawn it the other night when she couldn't sleep, and the image of him laughing at something that was playing on the TV wouldn't leave her mind. He inspects the picture a little longer. In awe at how she managed to capture him. He continues to flip through the book, before handing back to her.

"They're really good."


"But should I be creeped out or flattered that you drew a picture of me?" He asks with a smile that matches the one in the sketch.

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