Untitled Part 20

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A/N: As usual I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you do please review. Thank you, and have a nice week


A week and a half later, she's sitting on the edge of the fireplace, holding one of the puppies, while she waits for Jay to get home so they can meet his friends out for dinner. She handles each of them briefly; taking in their grey colored eyes that are just starting to open a little, along with their ears. The little girl jumps when Erin's phone rings next to them.

"Hey babe, where are you?" She asks

"I have to drop Owen off at my mom's, so I'll just meet you there." He answers

"I don't know where I'm going so can you send me the address please?" She says putting the puppy down.



"I'll see you in a little bit." He says as he's about to hang up.

"Wait Jay?"


"Can you call me when you get to the restaurant, so I'm not sitting by myself awkwardly."

"Erin, Kim and Hailey are going to be there, and I'm pretty sure they like you more than me already, you don't need to be nervous."


"But if it makes you feel better, I'll call when I get there." He adds, remembering how she admitted how nervous she was, and how her body tensed against his when he asked her to go.

"Thanks." She says a little more calmly, and he hears her car door close.

"I'll text you the address." He says, and then they say bye, and hang up. He texts her the restaurant's address a minute later, and she enters it into the GPS on her phone, and drives off.

About twenty minutes later, she's sitting in her jeep in the parking lot of the restaurant, looking at her phone. He pulls up next to her, and gets out. He figured she would have seen his truck, but she's engrossed in her phone, so he goes to tap on her window, and sees her jump.

"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you." He says, opening her door. She gets out of the car, and leans toward him to give him a kiss.

"Are you ok?" She asks, feeling like something's off.

"Yeah, just tired." He says giving her a small smile, and a quick peck.

"You ready?" He asks, and she nods. They walk in, hand in hand, and she sees him smile out of the corner of her eye as they get closer to the table with his friend.

"Mouse?" He says cheerfully, and a thinly built brunette guy, with blue eyes, and dimple stands from the chair next to Kim.

"When did you get back?" He says as he lets go of Erin hand to give his old friend a quick manly hug, before they back away.

"Yesterday." Mouse answers as Jay immediately grabs Erin's hand again, and she brings her other hand up to wrap around his arm.

"Erin, this is Mouse, we served together. Mouse, this Erin, my girlfriend." Jay says, and Erin extends her hand out to shake Mouse's, and he glances at Jay nervously before he cautiously moves to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you Mouse." Erin says politely, and then Jay pulls out her chair, and pushes back in after she sits down. The waiter comes over to the table soon after they sit down.

"May I have a white soda please?" Erin asks.

"I'll have a beer." Jay says after her, then the waiter looks at Mouse, and Adam who order beers as well.

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