Chapter 11

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A/N: I hope that this chapter doesn't disappoint. As always thank you to @halsteadpd for reading over this chapter, and giving me that extra something that I was looking for. And thank you guys continuing to read along, and review..... Enjoy!


He's not sure where she went, but he guesses she went to the train station since she took Chance. So he turns right out of his drive way, and drives towards the depot, except when he gets close to the bridge, traffic is at a stand still. He pulls off to the side, the gravel between the road and the grass, crunches under the tires as he parks the truck. He gets out, and runs; his feet cause a small splash; hitting the asphalt hard, as he begins to sprint towards the bridge. It's been down pouring for the better part of a hour, and the large rain drops sting as they come in contact with his face. He soon sees why the traffic is stopped. There's a car accident, it's seems a car and SUV traveling in opposite directions hit each other head on, and about fifteen feet away, the metal and wood railing on the side of the bridge is distorted. There's a small crowd of people standing under their umbrellas near the edge; gasping and talking as they look down. When Jay pushes his way through, he sees Chance swimming around a sinking yellow cab; whining. It's an image he won't soon forget.


He doesn't hesitate, and dives off the edge of the bridge into the water below. When he swims closer to the car, and sees that the left rear door is broken, and open. He gets to the side, and sees who he assumes is the driver frantically trying to free Erin from the seat belt. He sees Erin pulling at the belt weakly, and he knows she's getting close to passing out. He makes eye contact with her briefly; sees the panic in her eyes, and she registers the same look in his. He pulls the cab driver out of the door, and pulls him to the surface. Both men gasp as they come up.

"Do you have a pocket knife?" Jay asks the driver, and the guy shakes his head.

"Go up and ask around, bring it down when you get one, I'm going to keep trying to get her out." Jay says, before taking a deep breath, and going back under.

He swims to her, and she's still holding out, but barely. He goes into the car, and grabs her cheeks. He moves his head closer to her, and uses one hand to point from his mouth to hers, and she nods, and he moves to seal his lips over hers, before breathing into her mouth. His lungs were screaming, as tried to give her all he had. He pulled away from her, and caressed her cheek, before he went back up for more air. He took a couple deep breaths, as he looked around for the cab driver, when he didn't see him he went back under, and repeated his actions from moments ago. Then he tried pulling at the seat belt again, but it didn't budge. She grabbed his wrist weakly, and he looked up at her. She leaned forward as much as she could, and attached her lips to his to kiss him. It was slow yet quick, and when he pulled away, her eyes remained closed as a few bubbles left her nose, and parted lips. His heart sinks as he desperately tries to free her. He hesitantly leaves her to get more air. When he breaks the surface, he sees the cab driver making his way back to the water. Jay swims half way to the bank, and the cab driver jumps into the water to give him the knife.

"I'm coming with you." He says.

"Thanks, and no." Jay says before he swims to the car, and then back down. The knife cuts through the black material of the belt with ease, and then he pulls it off of her. He pulls her limp body into him, and exits the car.

It's so loud around them as he gets onto the bridge, with the chatter of the crowd and the rain hitting the ground, but he doesn't hear any of it. All he can hear is the thumping, and pounding of his heart. He vaguely registers gently pushing Chance away as he whines, and licks Erin's face when he lays her down before he starts giving her CPR. He talks to her when he starts chest compressions

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