Chapter 22

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Her hands tightly grasp at his shirt as attempts to get out of the bed, and her face scrunches a little as she nuzzles into his side more. She lets out a sigh before her even breathing continues letting him know she isn't awake. He moves again, but her fingers squeeze the blue cotton covering his torso.

"Stop moving." She mumbles into his chest.

"I have to go get Chance, but I'll be right back." He says; telling a little white lie. He is going to pick up Chance, and put Carly and the puppies in the guest bedroom but he's also going to pick Nadia up too.

"Why?" She asks; breaking him from his thoughts.

"Because he's not letting anyone in the house to clean."

"I'll come with you." She says, still keeping her eyes closed.

"No, you need to rest. I won't be gone that long."

"Fine." She says with a slight pout to her lips, and he chuckles a little at her response, and leans down to place a kiss to the corner of her mouth. Then he gets up, and looks at her as she snuggles into his spot. He smiles at her while he walks out of the room. He makes his way to the front of the house; trying to avoid all the spots where he knows the floor will creak. It was a long night for all of them, and he doesn't want to wake anyone, but he finds as he's putting his shoes on that his efforts are fruitless

"Where are you going?" He hears his mother ask from somewhere in front of him.

"I have to go pick Chance up from the cabin, and then her friend from the bus station."

"Oh. Did you tell her where you're going?"

"Yes." He says; rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well kind of." He adds

"Jay." She says sternly.

"Her friend and I agreed that we wanted it to be a surprise, besides she was already back to sleep before I even got out of the room."

"Alright, when will you be back?"

"Probably an hour."

"Ok, would you be able to cut the grass please?"


"Thanks honey." She says, and he nods, giving his mom a smile before he leaves.

He's only gone for about forty minutes before he gets back to his mother's house with both his girlfriend's dog, and her best friend.

"Mom this is Erin's friend Nadia. Nadia this is my mom Ms. Belle."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Belle."

"You too dear."

"Erin's in my room, this way." Jay says; turning to lead her to his childhood bedroom.

"Was she sleeping?"

"She was when I left." He says looking back at her.

"Then I'll just wait for her to come out, I don't want to wake her." Nadia says

"Well I'm going to go check on her, and then I'm going to mow the lawn. Make yourself at home Nadia." He says before doing just that. When he gets to his room she's still sleeping soundly. Quietly he grabs a baseball cap off of one of the hooks near the door, and he heads out. The late morning sun seemingly gets hotter by the minute as he walks to the large garage. He adjusts the black hat, before opening the garage. He starts up the green and yellow riding lawn mower, and drives it out onto the drive way; looking forward at the yard in front of and behind his mom's house. He moves the seat a little and then starts cutting the dark green blades.

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