Chapter 6

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Maybe." She says as she takes the towel away from his face, and he turns his head towards her while she's still looking at the cut. Their faces even closer than they were just days before. They look down at the other's lips, and back up, they smile at each other, just before their eyes close, and their lips meet.


Jay's hand comes up to cup her jaw, and one of Erin's lays gently on his chest, and then makes its way up to his neck. Their lips move against each other's, and they gradually deepen the kiss. They're forced to pull apart, when their lungs start to scream for air. His hand stays on her jaw, and he slowly runs his thumb over her dimple as she smiles at him. Then he notices that they're not alone. Erin looks down, her cheeks become red; while he turns his head to look at the other person.

"Hey ma." Jay says

"Hey honey." She says; walking around the kitchen island.

"Erin you don't have to be embarrassed sweetheart, as long as you two don't have sex in my kitchen, or in my house for that matter, we'll be ok." She adds with a smirk, and Erin backs away from Jay, and sheepishly looks up at his mom.

"Mom!" Jay says, and now it's his turn to be embarrassed.

"Just setting some ground rules, now go to the wash room, so your brother can clean that cut, and address it."

"Yes ma'am." He says, as he stands, and pecks Erin's temple before going to the bathroom.

"Erin, would you mind peeling these please?" Ms. Belle asks, pointing to the bowl of potatoes on the kitchen island, and Erin shakes her head, and walks to wash her hands in the sink. Once she's done she starts to peel the skin off of the potatoes, and at some point Will and Jay come back out.

"We're going to go back out and finish up before it gets dark." Will says

"Dinner will be ready by the time you get back, did you talk to Natalie?"

"Yeah they should be here soon."

"Ok." She says, and then they leave.


A hour and a half later, and Ms. Belle's farmhouse is filled with their family and friends. And the Halstead men, just got done with the fence. The four men leave their tool belts on the porch, before going inside, and washing up.

"Uncle Jay!" Kenzie says excitedly from Erin's arms.

"Hey Kenz." He says walking over to where Erin is standing against the wall of the kitchen, near the dining room.

"What no hi for your dad?" Will says, after giving Nat a kiss.

"Hi daddy." Kenzie says just Erin passes her over to Jay, and he tickles his niece, before giving her a kiss on the cheek, and then sets her down.

"Come on, I'll go introduce you to my friends" Jay says to Erin; taking her hand.


They walk into the dining room, and over to the two couples sitting at the table.

"Hey guys this is Erin, Erin this Adam Ruzek, and his finance Kim Burgess."

"Nice to see you again Kim." Erin says.

"You guys know each other?" Jay questions, looking at Erin.

"Yeah, we met at Al's yesterday."

"Oh ok, well anyways this is Hailey, and her husband Kevin Atwater. Kev, Kim, and Adam work in the unit, and Hailey is Hayfield's veterinarian."

"Nice to meet you Erin." Kevin and Hailey say in unison.

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