Chapter 3

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter, and have a nice weekend.


Jay's POV

Two weeks, she's been here two weeks, and she hasn't said more than a couple sentences to me since the day after she got here. That night, she came out of her room to get something to eat, after locking herself in there for the day. I was sitting on the couch, and she came to stand a few feet away.

"Look I know that I'm not here on vacation, or to have fun and make friends. I know that you have a job to do, and I'll let you do it. I'll stay out of your way and won't be the burden I'm meant to be for you. I have money that I'll give to you for groceries, and whatever. I'm new to this too, so there'll be some adjusting on my part as well as yours, especially when it comes to listening to orders. Hopefully they'll find him, and I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible."

To say I was stunned would be a huge understatement. And by the time I snapped out of it, and was able to form the words I wanted to say she had already disappeared into her room again. Since then we've somehow figured out a good system without talking much.

Today when I wake up, I go to the kitchen right away, and find that she's made breakfast for the third time this week. She's standing in front of the sink, and scrubbing one of the pans, her body shaking slightly with the movement of her arm. She's dressed in a pair of sleep shorts, and a tight long sleeve shirt, showcasing her perfect, soft curves. I gulp, and shake my head, as I walk to the counter, hoping my sweatpants hide what her body has done to me just now. She doesn't even acknowledge me as I pour myself a cup of coffee. I go to sit down at the table, and help myself. When we get done, we go to our rooms and get dressed for our run, that has become a part of our routine. Once we're ready, we walk to the back door, and I open it for her. She nods at me, walks out, and starts to stretch, while I let the dogs out. We both finish stretching, and then we start our run. We take a longer trail, and it takes us a little over a hour to get home, but she looks like she could still keep going despite her heavy breathing.

I feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog's Day, as the day goes by just the same as the last fourteen. We take our respective showers after our run, and she stays in her room, as I tidy up the house, and make lunch. She comes out to eat, and then does the dishes, before going back. And then hours later dinner goes the same way.


Erin's POV

I wrap a blanket around my shoulders feeling a little chilled this morning, as I make my way to the kitchen. Jay is already there, having made omelets, he's seated at the table eating, and looking at his phone. While he's distracted, I take in his disheveled appearance. I think to myself that he gets more attractive as the days progress. He looks up at me momentarily then,

"Good morning." He says, with a little grin before looking back down.

"Morning." I say back, I sit down and start eating. He finishes before me, and goes to his room. When I'm done, I get up and put my plate, fork and knife in the sink. I then go to my room and get dressed.

The trail we decide to go on is my favorite so far. It runs right along the river, the sound of the water is so relaxing, and at this time in the morning the sun hits it at just the right angle, making for an enchanting sight. I get so distracted that I don't pay attention to what's in front of me, and I hit a divot in the path. I roll my ankle and stumble forward, putting my hands out in front of me to catch myself. The twigs, and small pebbles mixed in with the dirt of the trail, scrape and scratch my palms. That pain is only a temporary distraction from the pain shooting through my ankle. I bring my knee up to my chest, and try to calm my breathing. At some point Jay realizes I'm not by him, and turns around. The look of confusion on his face is soon replaced by a look of concern and worry. He jogs back, and kneels down in front of me.

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