Chapter 25

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A/N: Now, now peeps who said the box attached to the puppy's collar was the same box with Nana's ring in it?...Enjoy.


She doesn't open her eyes right away, instead basking in his warmth and listening to the sound of his heartbeat before she rubs her eyes, and looks up him. She smiles wide when she sees Chloe sleeping on the other side of him. Carefully, she moves to grab her phone, and takes a picture of her boyfriend and the puppy. She gets the photo just before Chloe moves, but she doesn't wake up, and Erin gasps when she sees the bow attached to her collar. It's not just any bow, it's a bow with a small black velvet box in the middle of it. Her gasp causes Jay to wake up again, and he smiles as he looks at her. One of her hands is sitting in her lap, still clutching her phone, while the other is covering her mouth, and he sits up, and sets the puppy between them.

"Happy birthday babe." He says for the second time that morning, and she doesn't move or say anything, he decides to take the velvet box off the bow, and hold it up to her, and then her eyes look up to meet his.


Her heart is hammering in her chest, as he slowly opens the box, revealing a pair of earrings, and she feels herself relax a little seeing that it's not a ring. She loves this man, but she's not sure how she would react or if she'd say yes, if he proposed to her right now. Blinking back her tears she gently takes the black box from his hand; looking the diamond triangles trimmed with gold. She saved them to a board on Pinterest, but again she's not sure how he knew about them.

"Nadia told me about them." He says as if he could read her mind.

"They're beautiful." She says leaning to give him a kiss, almost smooshing Chloe between them.

"Thank you, but you shouldn't have." She says against his lips, before giving him a peck.

"I know, but I wanted to, but I'm sure my mom will take Chloe back if you want." He says with a smile, and she playfully smacks his shoulder.

"No." Erin says as Chloe lets out a little bark in between them, and Erin picks her up, and gives her a gentle squeeze, and kiss on the head before she moves her over as she straddles Jay's hips. Chloe occupies herself by chewing on the drawstring on Jay's sweatpants; throwing it up in the air a couple times. Then it lands between Jay's legs, and the puppy crawls over one of his legs, and bites at the string, but she misses. Her sharp needle teeth go right through the sweatpants and boxers covering the lower half of Jay's body. His upper half shoots forward, causing his forehead to collide with Erin's.

"I'm sorry." He says when Erin's hand immediately goes to her forehead.

"What's wrong?"

"Chloe just bit me."

"Ok? You've had worse things happen to you, than a little puppy biting you."

"No babe, she bit me." He says, nodding down a little.

"Ooh." She says, shuffling to move off of him, but he grabs her hips, and keeps her in place.

"We should look at it Jay"

"No we shouldn't, it's not that bad."

"The bump on my head suggests otherwise."

"I'm not saying it didn't hurt and shock me at first, but it's fine."


"Come on, let's get you some breakfast." He says hoping the thought of food will distract her.

"Fine." She says, climbing off of him, and the bed; getting some clothes, and walking back to the bed to pick up Chloe.

"Way to kill the mood Chloe." She says scratching the puppy's neck as she walks to the bathroom with her.

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