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A/N: Hello! I am posting this fic on my Wattpad as I post it on my tumblr as well. Please check there for more info about the story! This fic will contain several mature chapters! 

 Please check there for more info about the story! This fic will contain several mature chapters! 

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 Rhea Trivedi Williams is sitting in a nice, leather chair. A leather chair that she spent a lot of time picking out, actually. It and it's 7 look alike siblings are poised around the dark cherry conference table that takes up the majority of the light grey painted room. Trivedi-Williams Public Relations, in every sense of the word, had been hand crafted by Rhea. For all intents and purposes, it was her baby. Rhea had spent a lot of time creating every inch of her office, from the floors to the types of handles she had on the doors. The chairs, she had spent a little more on because she, her staff, and her clients spent a lot of time in them and she believed firmly in the idea that comfort led to more efficiency.

She was especially thankful for her effort now since she'd spent the last 2 hours with her butt firmly planted in aforementioned chair in an emergency meeting that had her rolling out of bed much earlier than she would have preferred and drinking an extra cup of coffee in order to compensate.

But her entire focus is on her client, not on the fact that her bum is starting to go a bit numb. Rhea uncrosses her long legs and pulls the right one over the left, nodding as her client continues talking. She's got a pad of trusty paper on the table, a pen on top and her work phone (on silent, of course) sitting to the right of it face down. She runs her fingers over the embossed firm logo at the top of the pad while meeting the eyes of her client for the past two years. Violet is wearing a pink sweater and leggings and her one hand is resting on top of her tummy while the other is intertwined with one of her NBA player boyfriend's who is sitting on her left. Rhea still remembers when she had met Violet, at an after party for some event she was covering years ago. The girl with brown hair and green eyes had been scared out of her mind in the rowdy celebrity atmosphere and Rhea had taken her under her wing immediately, a veteran of the rambunctious events. Only later did she find out that Violet was in charge of a non profit that was just starting to take off here in New York, and that she desperately needed a PR representative to help her.

"I just... Rhea, I don't want this to come out before we want it to. Jordan is in playoffs and we're launching a new campaign at the center..." Violet trails off, glancing at her boyfriend who lifts their joined hands to his lips. Rhea's pink lips twitch upwards at the sweet gesture for a moment before she clears her throat and leans forward, resting her elbows on the table.

"Vi," Rhea says softly. She looks straight into the girl's green eyes, "Listen, you did the right thing calling me. It's a stressful situation for both of you," Rhea pauses to meet Jordan's eyes briefly, but long enough for him to feel included in the conversation, "But that's what I'm here for, yeah? All I want you to worry about is keeping you and that baby healthy."

Violet sighs and leans back against her chair. Jordan flashes Rhea a thankful smile as he kisses his girlfriends temple. "I knew we could count on you Rhea. It was just so unplanned, you know?"

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