drabble: the one where the baby is kicking up a storm

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a/n: hello!! how is everyone? i missed these two and i wrote this a while back, so i decided to share it! 

Rhea lets out a frustrated groan the second she hears the familiar click of her office door shutting. She drops the stack of files she had in her arms onto her desk with a thump, putting both her hands on her hips as she walks towards the broad windows in her office. She looks out the window, glancing down at the busy Manhattan streets buzzing with people on their lunch breaks.

It's a nice distraction, for the brief moment it lasts.

A sharp, slightly burning kick to the bottom right of Rhea's tummy tears her gaze away from the view of her city. She frowns, glancing down at her stomach. Her hair frames her face as she moves, brown locks curtaining her in.

She slides her hands around to the front of her belly, rubbing them both in circles with a narrowed gaze. "I thought we talked about this," she mumbles softly.

The baby's response is to kick her twice.

Rhea lets her head fall back a little between her shoulders, sighing as she continues to rub. She'd just gotten out of a two hour meeting with a client who had trouble abiding to the terms of his contract. That, combined with the fiasco stunt he pulled last week calling a journalist "trashy" on camera and the baby inside her belly who had refused to stop kicking since she'd woken up this morning — had her exhausted. It was barely lunch time and Rhea wanted to go home.

Rhea sighs and walks over to her leather chair, taking ahold of the arm rests and slowly lowering herself into it. Being 7 months pregnant and working 8 hour days were finally starting to catch up with her. Her feet are aching, her tummy hurts, and she can't for the life of her get this little one to calm down. She kicks off her shoes and crosses her ankles.

She shuts her eyes and continues to rub the spot he's going at in circles, her plea is quiet but urgent, "No more kicking me at work, little one. Give mummy a break just for a few hours. Please?"

"Yeh know, if I didn't know you were pregnant my love, I'd be concerned you were talking to yourself so much."

Rhea's eyes snap open and she turns in her chair to see her handsome husband standing in the doorway of her office. Her spirits rise and she sits up straighter as Harry walks inside completely. He has a familiar bag of takeout in his hand and the sight of him makes her feel so much better.

"Harry! What are you doing here?" Rhea asks, beaming at him as he walks around her desk. He sets the bag down and moves some of her papers aside so he can sit on the desk edge.

"Finished up at the studio earlier than I thought, so I figured I'd drop by and come see m'beautiful wife," Harry says, giving her a cheeky grin.

Rhea tilts her head and lifts her hands towards him, sniffing. "Is that... Chinese?"

Harry lets out a laugh, taking her hands in his and bringing one of them to his mouth. He presses fluttering kisses to her knuckles and nods, "Maybe."

"I love you so much," Rhea says immediately, wiggling her fingers so Harry can lean down. She scoots her chair forward in between his legs and Harry bends down as she cups his cheeks. He presses a kiss to her nose and then lowers to kiss her on the lips, only pulling away to respond, "I love you too." He swoops back in for another, proper kiss but Rhea pulls away, hissing as the baby kicks particularly hard.

Harry frowns and looks down too, "What's wrong?"

Rhea whines and rubs her tummy, "Oh, nothing. Your child just thinks the inside of my tummy is a soccer ball." Rhea sighs before being honest with her husband, "It's starting to hurt, Harry."

Harry's frown only deepens, mirrored by the deep furrow of his brows, "Still goin?"

"Mhmm," Rhea hums. They'd woken up an hour earlier than usual because the baby decided to get a kick start this morning. Literally.

"Scoot back fo' me, my love," Harry says, shuffling off the desk.

Rhea quirks a curious brow at him but follows his instructions nonetheless. Her eyes widen when Harry gets on his knees and shuffles closer to her, slotting himself between her legs on the floor.

"Where?" Harry asks, spreading both his palms over Rhea's belly.

Before Rhea can answer, the baby kicks both of his palms with ferocity and Harry's eyes widen.

"Hey," he growls, sternly. "Behave!"

There's a pause without a kick and Harry's eyes soften. He bends his head down and kisses Rhea's belly in the most tender way. His voice is much softer when he speaks again, "Didn't I tell yeh t'be good for your mum this morning?"

Harry's hands have snaked up under Rhea's work shirt, pressing to the skin of her tummy as he continues, "You're mum is a hard worker. S'not easy to get work done when you're kicking her, huh?"

Rhea smiles, lifting her hand to run through Harry's hair as he speaks to their baby who has seemed to calm down now that he has their full attention. She tucks a short lock of his chestnut hair behind his ear.

"S'the little one stopping?"

Rhea hums and Harry grins triumphantly, still rubbing her tummy, "Good. Be nice, little one. Or she won't feed yeh, and Daddy's got Chinese so you best be good."

Rhea cups both of Harry's cheek and lifts his face so his gaze is on hers. She smiles as she caresses his cheek bones with her thumbs. His hands settle on the top of her thighs, leaning into her touch. He captures the inside of her wrist with a quick kiss, "Won't be bothering you anymore, my love. We had a talk."

Rhea lets out a soft laugh and she leans forward, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Okay. Then I suppose we can reward them with some Chinese then."

"Suppose so," Harry says, standing up to get the bag. He presses a kiss to the top of her head before digging into the containers.

When the food is gone and they're both sitting together, Rhea's head resting on his shoulder as he rubs her knee, Harry turns his head and mutters into her hair, "Think we got this parenting thing down already, my love." 

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