drabble: the one where rhea takes a trip to the emergency room

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a/n: hello! so I promised on Tumblr that I would post a drabble this weekend, but I didn't have time to write a new one so this is one I had saved. for reference: harry gets rhea a dog for their 1 year anniversary (an insta prompt is coming soon)


Harry's just setting his guitar down in its stand when his phone starts ringing. It's the ring tone he has just for Rhea which makes him immediately reach towards his pocket. He shoots the producers gathered around the room an apologetic glance after looking up from his screen. Rhea never calls him when he's in the studio, ever. Just like how he doesn't call her when she's in big meetings. They have a clear plan devised, if either of them needs the other, they'll send each other a text.

"I..." Harry mutters, staring at the silly contact photo he has of Rhea sticking her tongue out at him. He flashes his eyes to Jeff, "M'sorry, everyone. It's my girlfriend. Let me just take this real quick."

Jeff stands up and starts talking to the producers to distract them while Harry turns around and answers the call. "Rhe? M'in my meeting, my love. Is everything alright?"

There's no response for a moment, just a nervous inhale of breath and the distant sound of machines beeping in the background.

A soft, nervous voice speaks up, "Uh, Mr. Styles.. this isn't Rhea. It's Myra, the intern. I work for Rhea, we met that one time when I almost spilled my coffee on you."

Harry's brows furrow together and he frowns, "Hi, Myra. Call me Harry. I remember you. Is there something wrong?" Aaliyah is out on vacation for the week, so Rhea was in the process of training Myra to be her back up secretary in case anything major happens. Just last night she was telling Harry about how shy, but intelligent the young girl is.

"I- oh, sorry," Myra says, cutting off. Harry can hear the rushing sound of people speaking urgently around her. Her voice rises in pitch when she speaks up again, "Mr-Harry, uh, Rhea told me not to call you but I think I should because she's all alone in there and-"

"Alone? Where?" Harry asks, cutting her off. His heart stops in his chest.

"She fainted during the morning meeting and we called the ambulance," Myra explains. "She told me not to bother you but you're listed as her emergency contact and the nurse is kind of intense...and I wouldn't want to be in there by myself."

Harry feels a warm sheet of panic spread across his body and he desperately runs his hand through his hair. "What?! Is she alright? What hospital is she at?"

Myra mutters off the details and Harry pockets his phone, turning around to grab his keys. Jeff stops him, sliding in front of him and placing a hand on his elbow, "Hey, hey slow down. What's wrong?"

"Rhea's in the hospital. She passed out," Harry says, stepping around him. He frantically searches the table filled with sheets of music, his journal, and concept art. "Where are m'fucking keys?!"

"Harry, calm down." Jeff commands. Harry turns towards his manager with furious eyes, ready to chew his head off if he tells him he needs to stay. "You're going to drive like a maniac." Jeff reaches into his pocket and pulls out his own keys, "I'll drive."

Harry's shoulders sag in relief, glad his manager isn't fighting him. He nods and then turns around to address all the people who are looking at him with concern. Once he explains they all understand, telling him to go.

After a nerve wracking drive of Harry urging Jeff to "go faster fo' fucks sake" they finally enter the ER. He's able to track down a nurse and she leads him to the room where Rhea is. Myra is seated on the floor outside the room and she scrambles up when she sees Harry, her eyes wide.

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