timeless drabble #3

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A/N: Hello! This is a Pre Timeless drabble! If you want to read more extras, comment ideas or send them to me at my tumblr! Check out my latest message as well! 


Rhea's standing in front of the table of snacks that she and Zayn had set up half an hour earlier, her right hand rubbing the length of her left arm nervously. Her eyes drag over the ruffled chips and bowl of dip, the plastic plates and solo cups next to the bottles of soda. She lifts her hand to start scratching at her neck, frowning at the itchy feeling that's creeping up her skin.

"Don't," Zayn says, walking up next to her. He bats her hand away and then reaches for a chip, crunching it in his mouth. He narrows his eyes at her when Rhea's hand automatically goes back to her neck. "You're going to give yourself a rash."

"Shut up," Rhea mumbles, rolling her eyes.

He's right, though.

But she can't help herself. It felt like it was just yesterday that she had landed an internship on x factor because of Zayn, and now he was suddenly in a band. When Simon had approached her backstage after the filming and asked her if she wanted to continue on with her learning experience in public relations in media, she'd almost cried under his intense gaze. But she'd recovered in time to choke out a yes and here she was.

Now, the other boys are headed over to Zayn's for a bonding night. Zayn had walked to Rhea's home up the street and dragged her away, although she wasn't too against it. Her parents were fighting as usual and the quietness at the Malik's was welcomed in contrast.

But she felt out of place, like Zayn's mum had made him invite her because she knew about the problems at her house. The other boys probably don't even know who she is. After all, she's younger then them. All she does it fix there mics and tell them what words to avoid using on air or walk by with arms full of paper work for the press offices. Nobody notices the awkward shy girl who jumps when people yell.

Rhea, on the other hand, recognizes all of them. She knows all their tendencies and habits and their laughs from watching them on set.

"Rhea," Zayn says seriously, pouring his brown eyes into hers.

Rhea lets out an exasperated sigh, "What?"

"Stop overthinking, love. They're going to love you," Zayn says. In the next moment he's got Rhea in a head lock and she lets out a yelp, smacking his stomach with her elbow. "ZAYN!"

"I"m sorry, I can't hear you love," Zayn taunts, rubbing the top of her head.

"Stop!" Rhea cries, laughs tumbling out of mouth despite the protests.

The Malik's doorbell rings and it brings the noogie to a stop, giving Rhea the chance to push Zayn away. He frowns and rubs his side as she tries to fix her hair in the reflection of the toaster.

"Relax," he cries over his shoulder as he goes to answer the door.

Rhea takes a deep breath, reminding herself to just keeping doing that. They're just boys. Exactly like Zayn, who she has known her whole life. She glances down at the white t-shirt and leggings. She's wearing a green knit cardigan over it. It's causal, but cute.

Her head snaps up at the sound of the boys entering the house and she walks over to the doorway of the kitchen, watching as they all pile into the living room. She watches the blonde boy who's laughing every few seconds and wearing a plaid shirt as he meets her eyes. He always thanks her when she helps him on set and he's always making her laugh when she looks nervous.

Timeless [ A Harry Styles OU  ] {1/2}Where stories live. Discover now