timeless drabble #2

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the one with their first kiss -- (pre timeless)


"Okay, alright," Rhea says, pushing herself up onto her knees, palms pressing into the soft carpet of the hotel room. "I'm going to call it a night, guys."

The five boys seated around her in a circle all let out respective groans. Niall is to Rhea's right and is laying on his side with a can of soda hanging loosely in his hand, Liam and Louis are on the other side of him. Zayn's on her immediate left and Harry is next to him.

They'd played hours of different card games, pulling out their well used deck as soon as they'd checked in for the night. There's crappy hotel snacks and empty cans of soda littering the floor of Liam's room. They'd taken the pillows from the couch and bed, using them as cushions to rest back against.

"Rhe, c'mon, stay," Niall says reaching over and tugging on the sleeve of her shirt.

Rhea tilts her head at him, "Guys you aren't the ones who have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to take care of things."

"She's got a point, lad," Louis says. "Go on then, love. Sweet dreams."

Rhea shoots him a smile, "Thanks Lou." She scoops up her trash and heads towards the bin that's by the wall ahead, tossing it inside.

"Hey, let me walk yeh back to your room," Harry says suddenly. Rhea bites on her lip as he pushes himself up, ignoring the pointed looks and smirks from the other boys.

"Harry her room is down the hall..." Zayn mutters. He lets out a grunt when Louis smacks him with his pillow to get him to shut up. Harry shoots them all a look as Rhea feels her cheeks warm.

"Okay," she responds, giving Harry a nod.

Harry brushes his hands on his jeans as he heads over to her. He opens the door as the boys ring out cries of good night and someone yells something about being careful. Harry closes the door before they can finish, his cheeks turning red.

Rhea tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear nervously. Her hands are sweating so she wipes them on her jeans quickly. Harry turns towards her and offers her his hand, "Shall we?"

Rhea's eyes widen and she wipes her hand thoroughly before intertwining their fingers. Harry gives her small hand a squeeze, his heart is hammering in his chest. He leads her down the hall and Rhea focuses on the way Harry's tattoos gleam under the hallway lights.

Her room is just a few doors down and they come to a stop in front of her door. Harry doesn't let go of her hand though. He leans against the fall and pulls her closer to him.

Rhea blinks up at him in interest. Harry's wearing the black t-shirt and impossibly tight skinny jeans he wore to the show tonight and Rhea's wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

She and Harry have been getting so much closer lately. There's something about Harry that calms Rhea. He listens to her and makes her feel safe. She feels like she can be her silly self around him and he never judges her- even when she admitted that she's never had a proper boyfriend. Harry is the first one she wants to tell her good news to. He's the one she likes ending the day with.

She clears her throat a little, "The show was good tonight."

"Yeah?" Harry asks softly. "S'good. The crowd was nice."

Rhea nods in agreement. "You suck at poker, though."

Harry's brows furrow together in offense, "Heeey! S'not true."

"It is," Rhea says, laughing. "You have the worst poker face, ever."

Harry is mesmerized by the way Rhea's eyes light up when she laughs. They gleam, so brightly.

"Suppose I do..." Harry concedes.

A silence falls between them. It's gentle. Harry is rubbing his thumb back and forth over the back of her hand. His eyes are pouring into hers and somehow, there's no space between them.

Rhea's breath hitches when Harry's nose brushes against her hairline. He lifts his head a little and presses his lips there, placing a sweet kiss.

Rhea melts into him a little and he drops her hand to slip one around her waist, tugging her closer. Her hands rest against his chest and Harry lets out a sigh of relief.

He licks his lips slightly, ducking his head, "Rhe.. can I kiss yeh?"

Rhea blinks at him and her brief moment of hesitation makes Harry's heart stop. But then she lifts her gaze, her deep brown eyes staring into his. She nods her head just slightly and Harry reaches out to cup her cheek, stroking the soft skin.

He leans forward and brushes his nose against hers, an ice breaker almost. He wants her to relax. He wants her first kiss to be something she remembers and enjoys and loves.

He presses his lips gently to hers, losing himself in how soft they are. It takes a moment, maybe two, for her to move her lips and then it's like the world has gone still around them. Harry keeps his hand against her cheek and when they're out of breath he pulls away, breaking the kiss off with a soft smooching sound.

Rhea smiles at him nervously and Harry rests his forehead against hers.

He could definitely get used to this.  

Timeless [ A Harry Styles OU  ] {1/2}Where stories live. Discover now