CHAPTER 91 (w.o)

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Visiting Day. Y/n awoke from her sleep as she remembered that every other Friday is visiting day. She had nobody that would come visit her.. or so she thought.
Y/n got out the shower and headed back to her cell, getting ready for the day ahead. She quickly got dressed before anyone came, but she couldn't find her bra. She looked everywhere, but still couldn't find it. She heard someone clear their throat behind her instantly she covered her breast as she turned around to be faced by.... Wyatt. He had his famous smirk on his face and a raised eyebrow and her bra dangling from his hand.
Wyatt- looking for this? (Emperors New Grove?)
She rolled her eyes and went to snatch it, but he held it above her head.
Wyatt- uh uh uh.. I want a kiss.
You- don't be a asshole today!
Wyatt- one kiss.
She groaned, but Sophia came through the door. She saw what was going on and snatched the bra from Wyatt's hand giving it to you.
Sophia- you are such a dick.
Wyatt- whatever Soph.
You put of the bra and got dressed in your shirt.
Visiting hours are starting now. If you don't have anyone to visit stay in your fricking cell. Thank you..
You sighed and sat down on your bed, starting to read your book you stole from the front desk.
Guard- L/n! You have a visitor this time! Surprise you didn't kill them!
You- suck a dick, Marsh!
Guard- come on! Let's go!
He handcuffed me and dragged me to the visiting area and pushed me in, closing the door. I looked up to see my sister sitting there. Your eyes widened and she finally looked up and cracked a small smile.
Kaylee- hey Y/n/n
You- Kaylee what are you doing here?
Kaylee- I can't come and see my little sister now?
You- you made it clear you hate me so why are you here?
Kaylee- I don't hate you Y/n. I know why you did it. Dad used to abuse you and mom watched. I know I wasn't there, so you took matters in your own hands. I was glad you did it.
You furrowed your eyebrows.
You- why?
Kaylee- believe or not. Dad was always like this. He used to hurt me when I was young. Drunk or not. He didn't deserve to live another day and mom didn't either. She watched us get hurt like it was nothing. I don't hate you Y/n. Know that.

Before I could say anything she got up and left. The guards dragged out once again, uncuffed me and threw me back into my cell.
Wyatt- you okay?
I didn't notice that I had tears streaming down my face. Wyatt came up to hug me and I didn't push him away. I cried in his chest. I had someone.

2 weeks later..
We were all in the lunchroom, having a good time talking and messing around. Someone approached the table and I saw a girl sitting by Wyatt. I instantly got mad, and clenched my jaw.
Girl- hi Wyatt...
She said seductively, whilst twirling her hair and biting her lip.
Wyatt- uh hi?
Girl- I think you look so hot in your uniform..
You rolled your eyes.
You- everybody wears that uniform Sherlock
Girl- was I talking to you?
You- no. But I was surely talking to you ditzy!
Girl- you don't want to mess with me
You- that was a good joke. That was hilarious!
Next thing I know her hand was approaching my face, but before it did. I grabbed it.
You- nice try cupcake!
Her other hand came around and I grabbed it, I started pulling back both of her hands making her screeched.
You- don't. Fucking. touch. Him. Again. Got it?
She nodded her head quickly and I let go of her hand, smiling a bit. She ran off towards her table and I waved. I heard someone chuckle and my head shot up. I saw Wyatt with a smirk on his face.
You- what's so funny curly?
Wyatt- it's so hot when you are jealous babe
I blushed.
You- well maybe you were right. I am in love with you.
His eyes widened and I smirked. I got up going right in front of him, biting my lip. I kissed him on the lips, and he jumped back in reality kissing back instantly. I pulled away and winked, walking back to my seat to eat.
Wyatt- holy shit..
I smirked.

that was cute, right?
and guess what guys!?!
I hit 30k reads ! Thank you all so much! I love you guyssss💝💕💓💖
Also I changed my theme! Hope you like it.
and also hope you like this chapter! Bye babes

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