Yavara Cyvaira-Master of Fun

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"You cannot go running around ever so carelessly. If people knew what you were capable of, they'd take you, dissect you, and make an army of you. You don't want them to dissect you do you? From now on, if you don't want to be homeschooled, you will have to hide your true identity and power. Only if it is a serious situation that someone could die in should you use your power, and you better be discreet about it. Do you understand me?" The woman said. The child nodded.
"If you don't, I'll have to sedate you. You don't want to be sedated, do you?" The woman adds. The child shakes her head no.
"Fantastic. Now let's get you ready for preschool." The woman says, picking up the child.


Yavara walked into the dorm room laughing and talking with another boy. They were talking like they were best friends. Does he know she's a Humaveran? I think. He must not to be laughing and talking to her like that. I never thought Yavara would be this social, Yavara had a roommate before, who I'm now friends with. She said that Yavara wasn't very talkative and when she was, she was very straightforward and came off rude, she also said she was an introvert (someone who is sort of very antisocial). She said Yavara was always locked up in her room and almost never came out when she was there, she also said her papers also fell when she was first taken to the room, but instead Yavara stood there offering out her hand with a pure look of irritation on her face. But Yavara is totally different, like a whole different person, from what I've seen, she appears to be very social, very happy, but still straightforward. The boy appeared to be older than her, very muscular, eyes as green as a forest, and emitted this feeling that said he was as gentle as a sleeping puppy.
  "Relvin, you idiot why would you put your hand through the bars!" Yavara says, nudging his arm.
  "I was four! Cut me some slack!" He exclaims.
Relvin. Is this another Humaveran? The one Yavara mentioned in her private conversation with Markus? I think. He probably isn't. Yavara turns her head away from Relvin and noticed me sitting on the couch. She looked at me, back at Relvin, then back at me. 
  "Eh, we'll go in your room." Relvin says.
  "No no no no. I'm supposed to FaceTime my mom by 2:45. I don't want you there because it'll be awkward and I don't want that." Yavara quickly responds.
  "Hm..interesting, I didn't know Humaverans had parents." I mumbled while answering a math question in my homework.
  "Oh! You, Verlynn, and I should all go to the new club opening across the street! It'll be fun! We can get all the boys!" Yavara exclaims. Both of us turn and looks at her like she was crazy.
  "I'm kidding, the club opens in the wintertime. I did that just to get Verlynn's attention. We should actually go go kart racing! It'll be fun! Then we could head to my house! Well, maybe...." Yavara comments.
  "Absolutely not." Someone said. I jumped when I saw a man standing behind me. He wore an ID which states he was a security guard. A security guard for the strongest person in school...can't say that's completely normal. I think.
  "Why?" Yavara asks.
  "Your parents aren't expecting—" the security guard was cut off.
  "They don't have to be expecting anyone. Nor do they have to make room, so chill out. Relvin lives two blocks away, in which he can take a shortcut from the back of my house, Verlynn can sleep in the pullout bed I have under mine, should we stay too long. If Relvin chooses to stay over at my house, my parents always have a guest bedroom set up for him. So sit your little self down a chill out. Verlynn, this'll be fun for you!" Yavara exclaims.
  I get to meet Yavara's parents? This'll be interesting. Maybe they're Humaverans like she probably is too. Who knows. My parents haven't seen them in a while, just heard of them. I can't wait.
We went go kart racing and had a blast! Halfway through our time there, we stopped and got McDonald's to snack on (which Relvin paid for). Then, we continued talking and go kart racing. Yavara isn't as bad as she seems, she's actually really nice, sweet, and funny. I hope her mother is this kind too. But right now, I certainly can call Yavara Cyvaira the master of fun.

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