Not What She Seems

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"Listen to me, sweetheart. Don't care if she hurt you or not, act. Act, act, act. Don't let anyone see through your mask, okay? Can you do that for me?" the mother asked. The little girl nodded.
Act is what her mother said to do, and act she did. The little girl told herself to act, no matter the situation, until she was told to stop.
Until the truth was revealed.


I get up to my alarm and shut it off, then hop out of bed and get ready for school. By the time I'm completely ready, Sage is sitting down and enjoying some Honey Nut Cheerios.
"Morning." She says. I ignore her and look for something to eat. Eventually, I come to the conclusion that I'll find my own food. I pick up my bag, ready to start school when the intercom comes on.
"Attention students, there will be no school today because of a teacher meeting taking place at 9:00AM and running until 4:30PM. Enjoy your day off. Sorry for the inconvenience." the school secretary announces. I turn around and see that Sage is in her pajamas, still eating happily, as if she knew this would happen.
"I don't know about you, but I'm going over to Avarra's today." Sage says.
"I am too." I reply. I dress up and walk out of my room when I hear someone knock in the door. I open it to see both Yavara and Relvin ready to go.
"Ohh my OTP is here! Yavara x Relvin forever. Ravara is my OTP!" I exclaim.
"Not this again." Relvin groans.
"Did she drink something bad?" Yavara asks.
"Air. She drank air. I think it was too strong for her." Relvin comments.
"No. You guys are just such couple goals. See, you're even wearing red shirts!" I say, happy.
"We're not even dating!" they both exclaim. I squeal.
"I'm gone." Relvin says, leaving.
"Me too." Yavara says, following him.
"Wait! I'm done! I promise!" I exclaim, running after them. On our way to Yavara's house, we get some cotton candy and caramel apples that were being sold by the square. I snack on my caramel apple on our way there. Finally, we reach her house and Yavara opens the door.
"Ugh. More people. I hate people." Avarra states, flipping a pancake.
"I love people. They give me food." Mavaro comments.
"You're weird. No one likes people." Avarra replies.
"No. Everyone likes people." Mavaro fights back.
"No, they don't." Avarra responds.
"So you hate your siblings?" Mavaro asks.
"Absolutely." Avarra answers.
"So you hate Johan? Prince?" Mavaro asks.
"Prince is a hateable person, but Johan is too cute to be hated." Avarra responds, eating a mini sausage.
"Is Johan not a person?" Mavaro questions again.
"No. He's a child." Avarra answers again, smiling. Then, she turns off the stove.
"You're.....stupid. Stupid on levels I just can't even describe." Mavaro comments.
"Your boyfriend is stupid."
"Your hair is stupid."
"Your face is stupid."
"Your name is stupid."
"Your stomach is stupid."
"Your marriage is stupid."
"Your existence is stupid."
"Touché." Mavaro says.
"You owe me Starbucks' new cinnamon swirl latte." Avarra states.
"Fine...." Mavaro replies.
"And I get your food." Avarra adds, pouring Mavaro's food into Avarra's own plate.
"What! No!" Mavaro exclaims. Avarra jumps and hangs on a cabinet door and places the pancakes up there.
"If you want it, touch Harold." Avarra giggles.
"You let Harold out!" Mavaro exclaims. I snicker.
"Yeah, but Harold loves me, so he stayed right on that porch." Avarra responds.
"You're crazy." Mavaro comments.
"You're not getting your food back then." Avarra snickers.
"Fine. Take it. I don't care anymore." Mavaro comments. Avarra jumps back up and gets the food. I steal a plate and so does Relvin and Yavara.
"You guys are both stupid." Sage states.
"Ugh. Her again. What's with her, can't she just dig herself a hole and never come out?" Avarra asks.
"I know right. Such a nuisance." Mavaro jokes.
"You guys hurt my feelings." Sage says.
"Too bad." Avarra responds.
For the rest of the day, we relax and enjoy ourselves until Savara, Allister, and them came back from school. We just made a hot mess of everything when they were there. We watched a movie called The A.I. about an AI who didn't know she was one until she was put under a test and saw her old human self die. It was interesting and not as scary as I imagined it would be. When evening came, we sat down and payed a game of Monopoly until Savara, somehow, was declared the Monopoly champion. After that, we played a game of Sorry, in which Sage whooped us in. The whole time, Yavara never questioned who Sage was and why she was here. It almost makes me think that she already knew Sage. Knew this was going to happen. Oh well, probably just a foolish idea that'll probably get me knee deep in secrets and such, and I've already had enough of that. Yavara still hasn't told Relvin she likes him, which is starting to destroy me because I think they'll make such a cute couple together. I don't get it. I feel like Yavara would've been able to work up the nerve to tell him by now. She's a very bold person, and so is Relvin. I don't get why he doesn't try and ask Yavara out either. It's like this is some kind of joke or something. I need them to get together, though. They're my OTP. Earlier, Yavars tried to find out who I like, but I didn't tell her. Not because it's secretly Relvin or something, but just because I don't think I have one. Even if I did, I wouldn't think she'd know them.
Finally, dinner's ready, so we head downstairs to devour whatever was made. It turns out to be pizza, which means you need to be quick so you can get all the pizza and it won't be cold. We run after that pizza and I manage to be one of the first people, to get their pizza. I got myself some Sprite as a drink, too. We all sit and chat, devouring our pizzas while we do so. Soon enough, we call it a night and start to go to bed. Yet again, I'm the last person up, being kept awake by who knows what. Just as my eyes starts to close, they burst wide open again. Sage. She hesitated when telling Avarra to throw out the spider. She hesitated. If what Sage said earlier is true, why would she hesitate to say her own sister's name? Wouldn't she already know it? That is, unless Avarra's name isn't actually Avarra. Unless it's something else. Also, when Mavaro mentioned some people named Prince and Johan, who are they? Why have we never seen them? Most importantly, why would Sage hesitate to say Avarra's name? That is, unless, I was wrong originally. I was trying to prove Yavara wasn't what she seemed, but no, I've been looking at the wrong person the whole time. The only reason Sage would hesitate to say Avarra's name is if Avarra isn't Avarra's name. Unless Avarra is not what she seems.
I stand in front of my mirror, taking off my earrings and another necklace I had on, all the while humming my mother's favorite song.
"To all the roses that are gone." I sing. I giggle, walking to my nightstand.
"Act you said, mother, and act I did.  Aren't you proud of me? Aren't you proud of how good I am at acting?" I say, smiling and taking out my contacts and placing them on my nightstand.
"I did as you said, mother. I didn't let them see through my mask."

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