Part 1: Sweet Shop

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"Yoongi~ Snap out of it dude." Hoseok said pushing his friend back and forth as the elder just sat there at till letting it happen.

"You've been staring off at nothing all day, you need to snap out of it before the boss get's here." He pleaded not wanting his friend to lose his job, he actually liked Yoongi unlike some of the other workers in the sweet shop.

"It'll be fine." Yoongi replied confidently, jumping out of his chair walking straight past his co-worker to go over to a shelf climbing a ladder and reaching for the top.

"What are you doing?-" Hoseok started.

"His job unlike you, my office now." Their employer said in a stern voice to Hoseok then turning to face Yoongi simply saying "Keep it up kid." Closing his office door after the co-worker entered.

"Maybe I should've warned him... nah." Yoongi said out loud before smiling smugly climbing from the ladders, returning to his seat behind the till.

Inside the office the two men sat down, Hoseok head bowed apologizing.

"You don't need to apologize Hoseok." The man said before rubbing the back of his head.

"I don't?"

"No, you don't. Actually I called you in here to ask you something much more important.

"What's up boss?" Hoseok asked genuinely curious.

"That short boy with the baby pink hair. You work with him right?" The boss said shocking Hoseok slightly.

"Y-yes sir." Hoseok said nervously in response wondering what his boss wanted with his co-worker from his other job.

"He hasn't been coming by as often as he used to and he used to be one of my biggest buyers, find out why he hasn't been coming so I can change it, we need the business." The boss said bluntly.

"So you want me to get him to shop here again or find out why he stopped?"

"Exactly, if you could do both that would be perfect and your pay this month might have a bit extra added, do you understand?."

"Yes boss!" Hoseok said jumping out of his seat.

"You are free to go back to work now and maybe remind Yoongi we got camera's installed so we can see him sitting around when customers aren't in the store." The boss said sighing slightly with Hoseok running out of the room jumping in front of the till.



"The boss said to reminded you that there are cameras and he can see you sitting around doing nothing." Hoseok said before sticking his tongue out and running to the stock room.

"Fuck..." Yoongi said under his breath robotic-ally standing up and going back to work.

The rest of the day was reasonably quiet and Hoseok and Yoongi were free to leave, swapping shifts with the other employee's at three in the afternoon.

Hoseok going to his other job as a dance instructor and Yoongi going home to sleep.

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