Part 3: Build a bear

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Jimin walked into the shopping center quickly going towards a shop with his pay in his pocket ready to get what he had been saving up for, for months.

He approached the build-a-bear store humming softly as he entered.

He walked straight to the back of the shop to the clothing section looking for a specific my little pony t-shirt.

It wasn't there.

Jimin had saved up his spare salary which he didn't have to give to his mother and step father to get that specific shirt.

He couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed that it wasn't there making every part of him want to cry but he couldn't because he was in public and scared of people judging him.

"You okay there?" A low, soft, monotone voice said from behind the younger causing him to turn around and shake his head sadly.

"My name is Namjoon and I'm here to make sure you find what you want. What's it that your looking for? maybe I can get someone to check the back for you." The voice said causing Jimin to pullout his phone and show the taller man the picture of the shirt.

"Ahhh I see, give me a second." The voice said calmly before shouting enthusiastically "Yoongi can you check the back for a shirt please."

"I have a feeling that the can you is actually just a do it type of thing and there isn't a choice." A less enthusiastic voice said emerging from the stock room.

A shorter man cane out who wore all black matching his dark hair which was covered by a cap with teddy ears on it which Jimin couldn't help but want to hug because I his eyes the guy was a giant teddy because of the ears.

"Can you find this shirt in the back please." Namjoon said to who Jimin assumed was Yoongi who let out a sigh before going to look not paying attention to who Namjoon was with.

"Is there anything else you've been looking for?" Namjoon asked softly like he would to a child.

Jimin shook his head again still looking down at the floor.

Namjoon could tell that Jimin was a little as he had experience with littles because his boyfriend Jin was one; and he knew that all littles were not the same which is why he didn't judge when they came into the shop, being kind to the rather than rude.

He stayed with Jimin until Yoongi came out of the stock room with a confused look on his face as he couldn't find the shirt.

"Did you find it?" Namjoon asked, Yoongi then raising his arm to show the shirt before handing it to Jimin.

Yoongi couldn't help but to blush when he took in the young mans features in front of him.

He had big eyes, pouty lips, cute pink hair, a chiseled jaw and a slightly crocked tooth which he noticed when Jimin gave him a big smile when handing the shirt over.

Jimin has noticed more of Yoongi's Esther's to he second time making him realize the man wasn't just like a giant teddy because of his ears but also by the kind look in his eyes.

Yoongi and Jimin both just stared at each other in awe for a moment before Namjoon interrupted their moment.

"You ready to pay kiddo?" Namjoon said causing Jimin to look back at the floor again simply nodding and following Namjoon.

Yoongi was still frozen on the spot in shock.

Jimin payed and left with enough change to go to the sweet shop on his day off, fighting his temptation to go back to the bear shop to stare at the dark haired man.

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