Part 21: Kisses

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Jimin was in the kitchen looking at the piece of paper him and Yoongi had put on the fridge last night.

He was appreciating his own handy work when in little space and reading through the rules, consequences and most importantly the rewards.

He read each word carefully letting a pout slip onto his lips as the memory of Yoongi saying kisses and cuddles were only a reward.

"Good morning pouty face." Yoogni said teasing walking over to the coffee machine in his pyjama bottoms and vest.

Jimin didn't even turn to look at Yoongi after his remark leaving him stood there staring with a sour face.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked walking over to where Jimin was stood looking to where he was.

Yoongi's face turned to a look of concern as he noticed Jimin was looking at the list.

Yoongi asked "Is there something you want to change?" to which Jimin just nodded.

"Your gonna have to speak Jiminie so that I know what to change." Yoongi pointed out with a concerned look.

Jimin just raised his cute, tiny hand pointing at the last reward.

Yoongi couldn't help but to giggle at Jimin's actions, he knew Jimin wasn't in little space he was just being quiet which he tended to do when embarrassed or upset.

"So you don't want kisses and cuddles as a reward? Then why did you write it." Yoongi teased flicking Jimin's head gently.

Jimin just looked down to the floor frowning still not speaking.

"Hmmm... How can I fix this... No kissing or cuddling at all?" Yoongi said dropping his fist into his hand like he had a light bulb moment.

Jimin's face dropped like his heart was just stomped on.

He whispered "If that's what you want hyung."

Yoongi asked "Do you really think I wouldn't want too?" Causing Jimin to shrug in response.

Yoongi wrap his hands around Jimin's waist pulling him closer to him before kissing his head.

"I want to keep you by my side for ever and never let go, I was only teasing you because of how cute your pout is." Yoongi said starting to baby the boy showering the side of his face with gentle kisses.

Jimin was loving the attention he was getting from his hyung, turning to face him.

"So you were only joking..." Jimin said quietly.

"Yuhuh." Yoongi said keeping his main focus on showering Jimin with mini kisses.

"So I get kisses whenever?" Jimin asked to make sure getting a "whenever you want." In response.

"In big and little space?" Jimin asked as his finally question causing Yoongi to pause momentarily.

"As... As long as it's okay with you then yes." Yoongi responded then continuing kissing Jimin's cheek who responded "It's okay."

Jimin pulled away from Yoongi turning to face him, Yoongi could see Jimin's blushing face and Jimin could see Yoongi's swollen lips.

Jimin raised his finger to point at his lips cutely.

Yoongi just smirked at the invite and tilted Jimin's head before leaning forward.

Yoongi could see Jimin was nervous which reminded him how cute his roommate and little was... his little.

Yoongi and Jimin's lips connected gently which in a matter of seconds turned into a fight for dominance.

Both of them could feel the others smile against there lips as they tried to take charge.

Jimin eventually gave in and let Yoongi lead the kiss by pay parting his lips slightly which allowed Yoongi to use his 'tongue technology' which he rapped so much about in his old job.

Yoongi picked Jimin up slightly lifting him onto the kitchen counter,making sure he didn't hit his head on the cabinet, still in a deep kiss.

Yoongi pulled away first for breath, both of them blushing like they were kids and got a hold of their mothers makeup lipstick and used it in their whole face.

The kiss made Jimin more needy which ultimately led to him going in little space mid kiss pulling away so he could tell Yoongi.

"You okay Jimin?" Yoongi asked slightly confused but wanted to make sure the younger was okay.

Jimin just nodded eventually mumbling "Sorry Daddy." Which made Yoongi realise Jimin slipped into little space.

"Its Okay Jiminie, now what does Jiminie want daddy to do with his baby boy today?" Yoongi asked smiling gently taking the youngers hands into his own to comfort him.

"Cartoons and cuddles~" Jimin sang bouncing on the counter.

"Okay let's go in the living room then." Yoongi said holding out his hand which Jimin shook his head at.

He raised his arms and simply said "Up." Which Yoongi didn't hesitate to do as he realised how light the younger was when lifting him onto the counter.

He carried him into the living room before putting him on the couch and sitting next to him.

Jimin climbed onto Yoongi's lap cuddling up to him before turning his head to face the tv.

Jimin was happy and that's all that mattered to Yoongi who was sat watching the little instead of the cartoon rubbing circles against his back.

At some point Jimin fell asleep on Yoongi so Yoongi decided to let him take a nap, carefully lying him on the couch before going into the kitchen to start making dinner.

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