Part 36: Home time

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The moment Yoongi finished work he ran home almost forgetting his phone which Hoseok luckily chased after him down the street with.

He got to his house surprisingly fast but was a panting mess at the door, struggling to breath.

Either way he pushed through it and opened the door to his apartment walking around looking for the younger, slightly scared to find him and the mess he knew would be around him.

He crept into the kitchen to assess that mess first finding all of the dirty pots put away practically unwashed, bubbles everywhere and a drawing on his fridge.

To be fair it wasn't as bad as he thought but it was still a pretty bad.

He got to work straight away washing the pots first then going to mop the floor but leaving the drawing in the fridge because as much as he'd hate to admit it it was cute and well drawn - Yoongi being a grumpy cat and Jimin being a happy kitten.

That took about 15 minutes because Yoongi was fast at household chores so then he decided he'd look for Jimin.

First he checked Jimin's room hoping he'd already be asleep but he was wrong.

Before letting out a sigh Yoongi shouted "Jiminie!" getting no response from the younger meaning he'd have to go and look for him himself.

He went straight to the living room hoping he'd be in there but he wasn't, he had been because all of his toys were on the floor and the TV was still on.

Yoongi decided it would be best to just wait for the younger in the living room since it appeared that he'd be going back in their.

Yoongi looked at all the teddies laid out not recognizing most of them but recognizing the my little pony shirt a brown teddy bear was wearing.

It was the shirt Jimin had bought the day they met.

Yoongi got up from where he was sat going over to look at the teddy closely, analyzing it.

The teddy looked old and loved but also still looked new, it was obvious that it was really cared for but also obvious that some reparations had been done like to the arm and one of the ears - either way the teddy had it's own unique charm.

"Daddy?" Jimim asked stood in the door way not recognizing Yoongi as he was in a different work uniform than when he'd left as well as the fact that the room was dark.

Yoongi turned around to face the younger noticing his wet hair first then the towel that was wrapped around his waist barely covering him - he grabbed one of the smaller towel instead of a normal one probably because they were easier to get.

Yoongi knew there was no need to blush but he couldn't help it because of how attractive the younger looked.

"Hi baby." Yoongi said sweetly smiling at the younger.

Jimin's worried eyes went away instantly showing joy as he ran to Yoongi jumping onto his lap and hugging him.

"Minnie missed you daddy." Jimin said hugging Yoongi tighter.

"Daddy missed you too, thank you for doing the dishes for me." Yoongi said back smiling softly moving the youngers hair from his face which made his obvious blush show.

"Your welcome... daddy..." Jimin said looking Yoongi straight in the eyes.

"Good boys get treats so what treat would Jiminie like?" Yoongi asked obviously referring back to the rule list they had made previously.

Jimin remained quiet but moved his glaze down the Yoongi's chest avoiding eye contact.

He opened his mouth to say something but the words never left his lips leaving them both in silence.

"Does Jiminie want to stay up late?" Yoongi asked which Jimin just shook his head to.

"Does Jiminie want extra cartoon time tomorrow?" Jimin shook his head.

Yoongi knew he wanted something but couldn't figure it out so calmly said "You're gonna have to tell me what you want baby, i'm not a mind reader." As e played with Jimin's hair to make him feel comfortable.

"M-Minnie wants..." Jimin said before going quiet again.

"What does Minnie want?" Yoongi said to indicate he should keep going.

"Minnie wants... to sleep... with Daddy again..." Jimin said his face going bright red as he hid it in Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi couldn't help but smile at how cute he was wrapping his arms around Jimin pulling him into a loving hug before whispering "Okay Minnie, go put your pajamas's on and daddy will make some supper then we can go to bed."

Jimin nodded still in the hug before pulling away to go get changed, leaving the room quickly to hide his embarrassment.

Yoongi looked down to his lap seeing the wet patch from where Jimin was sat deciding he should quickly get changed so his clothes didn't get clingy and so Jimin wouldn't feel bad about soaking Yoongi's uniform.

The two ate their supper then went to bed, Jimin running to grab one of his teddies from the living room which he saw Yoongi staring at before.

They both lay together in each other's arms until they both eventually drifted off to sleep, Yoongi tired from a long day of work and Jimin tired from his attempt at cleaning.

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