Part 11: Caught

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Once they got back to the apartment Jimin let out a brief sigh of relief before running to his room and slamming the door behind him.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel guilty over the film even though he knew it wasn't his fault.

However this guild got worse as the hours passed and Jimin didn't leave his room.

Yoongi was slowly getting more anxious worrying if he upset his roommate and feared losing his friend.

Normally they'd have had their tea a hour ago but Jimin didn't come down.

That was it, he needed to know he was okay.

Yoongi walked straight to Jimin's door before knocking carefully, not getting response.

He tried again and again getting the same response, nothing.

"Jimin I'm coming in now." Yoongi said slowly turning the door handle.

Yoongi's mouth dropped to the floor at what he saw.

Jimin was wearing a cute, baby blue footie onesie and was curled up in a ball with his head facing away from Yoongi.

Yoongi heard a gentle suckling noise so walked into the room to see, more curious than before.

He looked at the younger closer up, admiring his petite frame and cute clothes before looking up to try and see his face.

His light pink hair covered half of it protecting something well, something that Yoongi wanted to know what it was.

Yoongi sat on the bed next to Jimin gently before stroking his hair away from his face so he could see but also so that he could wake him up.

Yoongi's jaw dropped when he saw it.



Yoongi was flustered and confused but he didn't care.

Every part of him wanted to just cuddle the boy to death but he knew he shouldn't.

To be honest he didn't know what to do.

He was frozen on the spot, his thoughts running wild until-

"Daddy?" Jimin said in a groggy low voice with his pacifier still in his mouth.

Yoongi cringed internally at the name but didn't let it show, he felt slightly uncomfortable but didn't mind it.

Jimin sat up from his laying down position with his legs at his side and his back too where Yoongi was.

His head innocently turned before tilting facing Yoongi, his small hand rubbing at his sleepy eyes.

His eyes opened wide at the realisation that Yoongi was in his room looking at him.

His pacifier dropped from his mouth and his heart stopped.

"H-h-hyung..." Jimin said tears forming in his eyes.

Yoongi's heart broke at the site but he wanted to know what was going on.

"I'm so sorryyyyyy." He said letting out a whine.

"I-I didn't mean it hyunggggg."


That hurt Yoongi more than it should've of.

"It's okay Jimin." Yoongi said still in the door way, the picture of jimin replaying in his mind.

The words 'daddy' replaying in his head.

"I-it's not okayyy. I-it's weird~" Jimin said crying even more.

"It's okay... it's not weird Jimin..." Yoongi said stepping from the door frame closer to Jimin because he couldn't stand seeing him cry more.

Jimin just cried more letting out a forced "it is."

"Jimin..." Yoongi said sitting next to him pulling the younger into his arms.

"It's okay Jimin. It isn't weird." Yoongi said reassuringly, holding him closer as Jimin hugged him back hurting his face in his neck.

"Y-you don't really mean that!" Jimin said hugging him tighter although Yoongi thought he would be pushed away.

"I do Jimin... you're not weird... I promise..." Yoongi reassured gently stroking his sold pink hair.

It felt softer than Yoongi could've even imagined, which he did and he was shook when it was even softer.

"Y-Yoongles mean it?" Jimin said in a higher more child like voice.

Yoongi just said "Yuhuh" before holding him to his chest.

Jimin wanted to explain, but after the film he was so stressed -from fear and also things from day to day life like work and not being able to be little as soon as he got home from work anymore- that he couldn't help it which is why he went into his room instantly.

"I really like yoongles..." Jimin said nuzzling into Yoongi's chest.

"Yoongi really likes you too." Yoongi said with a soft smile on his face.

Jimin's face darted up to meet Yoongi's, eyes wide in shock.

"Yoongles likes Jiminie?" Jimin asked face still wide in surprise and fear, fear of him saying no.

Yoongi let out a giggle before saying "Yep, Yoongles likes Jiminie."

Jimin couldn't help but let a smile cover his face causing his eyes to become crescents.

"Yay Yoongles likes Jiminie. Jiminie is super duper happy." Jimin said before squealing and diving on Yoongi even closer than before.

Yoongi couldn't help but blush slightly.

"Can we pwease draw?" Jimin said pressing his head against Yoongi's.

"Sure Jiminie."

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