Part 31: Wake up call

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Jimin woke up first finding himself in Yoongi's embrace which shocked him at first but then he remembered the night before.

He didn't mind being in Yoongi's arms.

Well they actually made him feel a lot safer he just didn't expect to be in them.

Yoongi was really taking care of Jimin in and out of little space which made him happy and feel special for the first time, not being used for money or as a maid.

He could be him and he loved Yoongi for that.

He felt happier around Yoongi from the moment they met at build a bear to the moment they were living in and Jimin hoped this would be forever...

He just hoped their wouldn't be a plot twist that ended the story of him and Yoongi abruptly because that would destroy him.

He cared about Yoongi and would quiet happily lay in his arms forever.

But he knew he should get up soon otherwise he'd be a blushing mess when Yoongi woke up.

He started to get up before noticing the clock said 4:30 and he felt like he could safely get away with staying where he was for a bit longer, his eyes shut and the room silence.

Yoongi's eyes fluttered open at 8:34 looking at his windows first that let light break into the room, then looking to the clock to check the time before his eyes fell onto the younger in his arms.

Yoongi blushed instantly at the sight, the youngers hair slightly messed, lips parted, eyes delicately shut, gently breathing.

Jimin was so beautiful to him.

Both were clearly mad for each other even bough they only knew each other for a short period of time.

Yoongi lay there momentarily holding Jimin in his arms before deciding it would be best to wake Jimin so he could start cleaning his room.

Yoongi thought for a while about how he would wake him up but decided on what he deemed the cutest.

Yoongi started covering Jimin's face with gently kisses until his eyes finally fluttered open; a blush on his cheeks and a smile on his lips.

"Good morning Jimin-ah." Yoongi said in a low morning voice which made Jimin blush more.

"G-good morning hyung." Jimin said in a sleepy but happy voice.

"Did you sleep okay?" Yoongi asked burying his face into Jimin's hair which cause Jimin to smile more.

"It's the best sleep I've had in a while, how about you?" Jimin replied his smile not wavering.

"Same..." Yoongi said nuzzling Jimin's hair, it smelled like strawberries.

The two lay there momentarily in silence before Jimin turned to face his hyung.

"Hi." He said with a cheesy smile which made Yoongi smile back giving a gummy smile.

"Hi." Was his response.

For some reason this caused them to both laugh more than they should, slowly moving closer to each other when rolling around laughing.

"We should do this again." Yoongi said moving Jimin's hair from his face smiling widely to which the younger nodded excessively with a obvious blush.

All Yoongi could think was about how cute his roommate was.

That's when he realised it, Jimin was only his roommate.

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