Part 15: Hero

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Multiple fast, loud knocks were heard at the doors: they got faster and more impactful as Yoongi approached.

Jimin froze and tried to stop Yoongi from going but it was pointless.

"Hello?" Yoongi said opening the door forcefully making the man hitting it almost fall over.

The mans face turned to disgust as he said "Who the fu-"

"Language you fucking knob head." Yoongi said smiling evily.

The man in front of him went to size up to him before Yoongi raised him by his collar, Jimin watching from the living room door.

"I'm taking it as your dating MY Jimin's Mum." Yoongi said placing emphasis he wasn't gonna let the man go near Jimin.

"Who the fuck wants to know. It's none of your fucking business."

Yoongi examines the man noticing his lyrics tattooed onto his neck.

Giving his signature smirk he said"My underground name is Agust D and I think you know who I am. Punk."

Yoongi's head tilted slightly with a fake shocked face as the mans face turned mortified.

Yoongi was known underground for his rapping and his own way of attacking people, through his words.

He had made the toughest underground rappers cry with his words in all forms of ways.

Yoongi may look weak with his fair skin and slim legs but the boy could defend his self and others without lifting a finger, even though he could he chose not to.

Yoongi asked sarcastically "It would be a real shame if I had to be little a fully grown man now wouldn't it?"

The man started nodding his head on the verge of tears.

Yoongi let him drop to the floor saying "I suggest you apologise right now."

The man then bowed in front of Yoongi apologising causing Yoongi to snap.

"To Jimin you fucking moron."

Yoongi was trying his best to keep calm as he detested people getting hurt for no reason; the reason he got his name in the underground was to defend those who were defenceless like he once was.

"S-sir you don't understand. H-he's a freak he has a thing for this bdsm thing called little-"

"Little space a place were people go to escape the stress of adult hood or to relieve a traumatic youth when they are forced to grow up too fast. It isn't all bdsm and it isn't their fault. Now apologies and I suggest you and his mother start to pay Jimin back the money you took. You know what, you should also go report yourself to the police for what you've done because it's wrong and you should feel crap about everything you've done to him. Both of you." Yoongi said turning to Jimin's mother who's face was in shock.

His mother snapped "Jimin you fucking- ughh fine. You can have your stupid money, go waste it on fucking kid toys and whatever I couldn't care less about you or your money."

"Then get the fuck out of his life you ungrateful bitch. If you can't see the greatness in the boy you gave birth to then your clearly not deserving to have him in your life."

"I'm fucking done with this. I never wanted that little shit in the first place. Get up off the floor we're going. Now."

Jimin's mother started to walk away dragging the man with him but before they could get to far Yoongi pulled Jimin to the door before shouting.

"Fuck off and don't come back." Which caused Jimin to giggle.

Yoongi wanted to say more but he figured he shouldn't considering the situation now.

Watching everything happen made Jimin fall into his little headspace which Yoongi had noticed as the younger feared up every time his mother or her boyfriend would speak only calming when Yoongi spoke back.

"Are they gone now?"

"Yes Jiminie they won't bother you again and if they do you tell me okay?"

"Yay yay yay~ Yoongles is Jiminies hero~"

Yoongi couldn't help but smile at what the younger had said gently parting his head.

"Okay~ can we go pway now pwease?" Jimin asked cutely allowing his mind to block out his mother's harsh words.

"Jiminie can you play on your own for a bit please so hyung can finish unpacking?"

"Jiminie will help hyungie unpack." Jimin said raising his arm causing Yoongi to chuckle.

"Okay Jiminie. Thank you."

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