Part 30: Bedtime

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It was eight pm and Jimin was still playing in the living room, still a ball of energy.

Yoongi on the other hand was getting sleepy and wanted to go to bed.

"Come ok Minnie it's bed time now." Yoongi said holding back his yawn reaching to the remote and turning the screen off.

"But daddy. Big Jiminie hasn't cleaned my bed room and... I'm to sleepy too." Jimin said after thinking carefully for a excuse to stay up.

Yoongi let out a sigh before going to examine the damage done to the bed room.

Both set of draws were moved, the small chair in the corner now lay on the floor, the mattress was stood up with all of the bedding on the floor messily, Jimin's washing basket tipped and teddies everywhere.

"Fuck..." Yoongi mumbled before turning to meet the younger who's eyes were wide and mouth open.

"Daddy just-"

Yoongi kissed him to stop him from saying anything more because he was to tired for Jimin to tease him over swearing.

"Okay." Jimin said understanding that meant that Yoongi was too tired to argue.

He wasn't a monster, he wouldn't tease his daddy when he was tired - he is a good boy after all.

"Minnie can stay in daddy's room and daddy will sleep on the couch tonight okay?" Yoongi asked the youngers face dropping.

"No Minnie will sleep on the couch. He didn't clean his mess up daddy should stay in bed." Jimin protested getting a pat on the head as Yoongi walked past going to the living room flopping on the couch.

"Daddyyyyy get up. Minnie wants daddy to sleep in his bed." Jimin said punching Yoongi's chest repeatedly and gently.

"Where is Minnie gonna sleep then. He isn't allowed to sleep on the couch because daddy said so." Yoongi said trying to remove options for Jimin so he got the best night sleep he could.

"Minnie and daddy could share a bed. Daddy isn't allowed to sleep anywhere but his bed." Jimin said sticking his tongue out.

Yoongi paused at the bought of sharing a bed with the younger before deciding if that's what Jimin's wish was he didn't care.

He just wanted sleep.

"Fine. Bed time now." Yoongi said going to his room turning the light off behind him which caused the younger to run behind him until they were both in Yoongi's room.

"Minnie's clothes are a mess so you can wear some of daddy's pyjamas but they might be a tad big." Yoongi said throwing a set of clean pyjamas at the younger.

"Thank you daddy." Jimin said shyly as Yoongi started taking his shirt off before diving into bed as he was already in pyjama bottoms - his idea of getting dressed was just putting pjs on.

Jimin in the other hand was fully clothed in jeans and a shirt so he had to get changed.

Jimin wasn't a big fan of wearing pants to bed but he was willing to wear his daddy's shirt any day of the week.

Jimin started to take his top off before getting stuck and huffing which caused Yoongi just watched waiting for the younger to ask for help.

Or at least that's what he thought he'd be doing but after five minutes of watchingb the younger struggle he couldn't take it anymore so got up helping the younger.

"Hold still Jiminie." Yoongi said as he began to in twist the shirt and untangle it which he had no clue how Jimin did it but he did.

Jimin's face turned a bright shade of red when he felt Yoongi's hand touch his bare skin in a successful attempt to aid.

Yoongi then helped pull the top over the youngers head after un-knotting so that he wouldn't get stuck again.

"Thank you..." Jimin said quietly blushing red looking down.

Yoongi just grabbed the pyjama shirt and slid it on to Jimin's arms then began buttoning it down to avoid more errors.

Jimin didn't have any complaints but he did feel bad knowing Yoongi was tired.

Yoongi then quietly said "You can do the pants yourself." With a slight blush on his face as the memory of seeing Jimin naked replayed in his head.

"J-Jiminie... d-doesn't..." Jimin said very slowly to which Yoongi say up kindly smiling in hope of easing the youngers nerves of what he was going to say respecting back softly "Jiminie doesn't what?"

"He-he doesn't l-like wearing pants to bed." Jimin said then blushing bright red.

"That's fine you don't have to wear the pants. Just make sure you don't get cold." Yoongi said stopping the bed for Jimin to join him on it before turning to try and sleep.

That plan didn't work either.

Jimin slowly crept into the bed after taking his pants off staring at the ceiling with his gaze occasionally moving over to Yoongi who appeared to be asleep but in reality he was awake unable to sleep with the temptation of holding the younger being present.

"D-Daddy?" Jimin asked quietly causing Yoongi to hum on response.

"Can daddy hold Minnie. He's scared without all of his teddy friends but doesn't wanna move them because they are sleeping." Jimin said playing goth the sleeves of the shirt.

Yoongi did respond verbally but did turn to face the younger holding his arms out to hug him.

Jimin's eyes lit up as he dove toward snuggling up into Yoongi's welcoming embrace.

"Night night daddy." Jimin said happily burying his face even deeper into Yoongi's neck after speaking receiving a "Good night Minnie." In response.

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