Part 9: Sippy Cups

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Yoongi woke up early the next day, struggling to fall back asleep, so decided it would be a good idea to start putting stuff away.

He knew Jimin wanted to move stuff in the kitchen but Yoongi didn't have the heart to wake him up so early to do it.

He 100% 10/10 didn't just want to see what was being hid out of curiosity at this point, nope.

He got ready then went into the kitchen with one of his boxes and started to unpack it into piles on the side.

That way he could pretend not to have seen if it was something terrifying by just saying he sorted it into piles.

Yoongi did that surprisingly fast causing him to hesitate open cupboards to see where stuff was.

The first few cup boards were fine, just bowls pans and plates.

It was when he opened the glasses and cups cupboard he was shocked by what he found.

He opened the cupboard to find normal clear glasses on one half and brightly coloured sippy cups on the other with different animals.

He wasn't sure why they were there and didn't really care because it wasn't his place to, he was just shocked because t stood out in the kitchen.

Maybe it was for the kids at the dance studio?

Everything else seemed normal other than the excessive amount of sippy cups causing Yoongi to start putting his organised things where they belonged.

Yoongi then went and sat in the living room with the news on for a bit taking a break.

"Hyung?" Jimin said quietly, gently knocking on the door before entering the living room.

"Good morning Jimin." He said turning around before waving at Jimin to enter.

He walked in slowly and sat down next to Yoongi on the couch who started to look back down at his phone.

"I should go clean up the kitchen..." Jimin said starting to get up causing Yoongi's head to look up.

"Everything looks okay in there Jimin? I ended up not able to sleep so sorted one of the boxes out and it all looked normal and clean. Actually it was cleaner than most kitchens normally are." Yoongi said casually before looking back down.

Jimin's heart stopped for a moment as the world froze around him when Yoongi said it all looked okay, he panicked thinking he'd creeped Yoongi out but he seemed cool with it.

It was that or he was oblivious, or both.

"I guess I don't need to do it then..." Jimin said trailing off into thoughts.

"I was gonna wake you up but thought it was too early." Yoongi replied.

"It's okay. Do you want me too cook some eggs for breakfast hyung?"


After that Jimin went into the kitchen and made them some food, both then sitting across from each other.

They both sat in silence eating.

Yoongi thought Jimin was mad at him for going in the cupboards and Jimin thought Yoongi was mad over the sippy cups.




"Hyung-" "Jimin-"

"You can go first Jimin."

"No, I insist you can."

They both just froze staring at each other before Yoongi let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry for putting stuff away in the kitchen when I knew you wanted to do stuff first, if I'm being honest curiosity got the best of me as well as the fact the amount of boxes were starting to low key annoy me." Yoongi said some what fast.

"It's fine really, don't be sorry. I shouldn't have said to leave it especially if it was annoying you." Jimin said back in response before looking down.

"I'm sorry too..." Jimin whispered.

"What for?" Yoongi asked confused.

"About the... the sippy cups in the cupboard..."

"It's fine? It's nothing to be sorry over." Yoongi said making a realization that Jimin worked with kids.

"I think it's sweet that you have them for the kids at where you work." He said watching the look of relief on Jimin's face.

Jimin could've cried he was so happy he hadn't been found out because he really liked Yoongi, and maybe... had a little crush.

"Yeah I'm just sorry there's so many..." He said shyly feeling bad for lying.

"It's fine really, don't be sorry. Either way it's none of my business especially when I caused you stress over it." Yoongi said with a apologetic look on his face.

"Don't be really, you've done nothing wrong!" Jimin said suddenly and a little louder than he wanted to.

Yoongi just smiled and held back laughing with a simple thought in his head, if he doesn't die from a cuteness overload it'll be a death by laughter.

"Do you want to do anything today after sorting some more stuff out?" Yoongi asked Jimin with a smile still on his face.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Jimin said back tilting his head.

"You wanna watch a film? There's a new one coming out that I've been wanting to watch since the trailer was released." He explained Jimin simply nodding.

"We can watch a different film though if you want"

"It's fine hyung I'm kind of curious now about the type of films you like." Jimin said before smiling.

Yoongi gave him a gummy smile back before getting up to wash his plate, he would've done Jimin's but he was still eating.

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