Part 7: Drinks

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"Y-Yoongi!" Jimin said excitedly but still surprised that he was seeing the dark haired man again.

"Hiya Jimin." Yoongi said back in response turning and giving the younger a wide smile.

Jimin was caught off guard and not sure how he should act, in work he's more quiet but for some reason he found talking to Yoongi a lot easier.

Either way he looked around before walking to the elder who was sat alone at the end of the bar.

"W-what are y-you doing here?" Jimin said slightly flustered but forcing himself to speak.

Yoongi let the word "cute" escape his lips before quickly saying "Hoseok invited me as his plus one."

"Ohhh, you and Hoseok must be really close." Jimin said not wanting to assume they were in a relationship, a small part of him wishing they weren't - small being massive.

"Yeah he's been letting me stay at his house for the past few month since I moved down here. Finding a place to live which isn't stupidly priced is hard around here. He's been a good friend helping me out." Yoongi said sipping on his beer.

"You don't have a place to live?" Jimin said in shock with any thoughts of little space leaving his.

Yoongi shook his head slightly.

"It's all good though because when Hoseok inevitably kicks me out my friend Namjoon, who you've met before, will let me crash at his and his boyfriends."

"You shouldn't have to live like that..." Jimin said placing a frown on his cute, pouty lips.

"I guess it's just the way things have worked out for me." Yoongi said giving a reassuring smile after.

Jimin had a idea spark in his head over the whole living situation since he had a spare room but hesitated due to him not wanting anyone to find out about him being a little.

But Yoongi would judge right?


"Yes Jimin?"

"I-if y-you need a p-place to live... I-I have a s-spare room... and y-you can h-have it if you w-want." Jimin said extremely nervously not looking up in fear of rejection.

What he did miss was Yoongi's eyes widening and a gummy smile appearing on his face.

"Are you sure Jimin, I wouldn't want to be a burden." Yoongi said back excited.

"It's all I could always do with help with rent..." Jimin said now blazing with the edge of his blouse.

"Your an actual angel." Yoongi said before the boys started discussing rent and setting up a day when Yoongi can move his stuff in.

Jimin offered to let Yoongi look around before he had to commit to anything but Yoongi kindly denied it wanting to "get off his coworkers backs."

The boys exchanged numbers and ended up chatting for the rest of the night, Jimin putting a massive effort to not just turn into a quiet, blushing mess every time Yoongi smiled and Yoongi putting in a effort to get to know Jimin better.

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