Part 16: Suprise

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Jimin hadn't spoken to Yoongi for a few days after Yoongi confronting his parents.

It wasn't that Jimin was mad like Yoongi thought he might be because of the confrontation -which he had no regret over- it was more of Jimin wanting to surprise Yoongi as a thank you but not wanting to talk to Yoongi incase he slipped up on his surprise or worse slipped into little space.

Jimin felt relaxed around Yoongi which made the temptation to go into little space more which he had done a good job hiding up until a few days ago.

Yoongi didn't want to force Jimin to talk to him but he felt lonely not being spoken too.

They had finished unpacking the day Jimin's parents came and they hadn't spoke. Since Jimin left his little space.

"H-hyung?" Jimin asked quietly entering the living room where Yoongi was set up working.

Yoongi let out a soft sigh of relief and turned around quickly saying "Yes Jimin?"

"I-I was wondering... if maybe... only if you want too... if you would maybe... want to go out somewhere with me... as a thank you..." Jimin said with a deep blush.

"A thank you?"

"Yeah a thank you for dealing with my mum and her boyfriend... it was just a idea... you don't have too... I'm gonna go back to my room-"

"I'd love to Jimin."

Jimin screamed inside out of excitement trying not to let it escape his lips.

Yoongi on the other hand was looking away trying to hide his subtle blush, it was a thank you not a date and that's what Yoongi kept telling himself.

"Okay sooo meet me in the hall way at six in fancy-ish type of clothes?" Jimin said tilting his head as to ask if it was okay.

"How fancy are we talking?" Yoongi asked not sure what to wear.

"Hmmm dress to impress."

The younger ran into his room after saying that with his heart beating out of his chest.

Yoongi went into his now set up room going to his closet pulling out a pair of black trousers and a plain black shirt with a simple red tie and grey silk blazer with a black trim accompanying; with a few rings and earrings as accessories.

Jimin went into the adult side of his wardrobe pulling out a pair of fitted red trousers, a white shirt covered in red suspenders and a red blazer matching his pants; also wearing a few rings and earrings.

Jimin quickly phoned the restaurant to make sure their seats where still booked in a last minute panic which quickly ended with the seats being confirmed.

Jimin realised he left his wallet in the kitchen freezing at the thought of leaving the room.

He had no choice, he had to do it.

Jimin darted from his room to the kitchen in seconds grabbing his wallet and turning around to run back to his room before meeting Yoongi's eyes.

"Wow." Jimin said looking every part of Yoongi's perfect body up and down blushing so much his face matched his pants.

"I could say the same back at you." Yoongi said smiling happily looking at the extremely attractive younger.

Jimin just looked down blushing more causing Yoongi to blush a little too.

They both stood their for a moment before Yoongi turned around and mumbled "You're really making it hard for me not to fall for you."

Yoongi didn't expect Jimin to hear it but he did causing him to quickly say "W-what?"

Jimin had a giant crush on Yoongi and if Yoongi felt the same Jimin was more than ready to get his man; the same applying for Yoongi.

"Huh?" Yoongi quickly responded eyes wide and playing dumb "I didn't say anything."

Jimin simply said "Oh." With a sad face.

Yoongi froze out of guilt; one part of him wanting to run and cry out of embarrassment and the other wanting to go to Jimin and tell him exactly what he said.

He didn't want to make things awkward...

But he didn't want Jimin to be sad more.

"You make it hard for people to not fall for you." Yoongi said letting out a small sigh before walking closer to Jimin.

Jimin's head perked up at what Yoongi said with hope and fear in his eyes.

"All the girls and boys are going to be all over you tonight where ever we're going..." Yoongi said trying not to sound jealous since him and Jimin weren't a thing... yet....

"I don't want all the girls and boys..." Jimin said quietly looking down to play with his hands.

Yoongi took this as a opportunity to flirt.

"So what do you want Jiminie?" Stepping closer as he spoke.

"I-I want... hyung..."

Yoongi paused at the realisation Jimin liked a guy meaning there was a chance Jimin would want to maybe date him.

Yoongi took the opportunity to try and find out who realising he didn't know people who Jimin knew.



"My friend from build a bear, Namjoon?"


"Umm... a colleague?"

"I want you, hyung."

"Yoohyung? Never met the guy I hope he's sweet because you deserve the best." Yoongi said obliviously, thinking Jimin said a name.

"You. As in you. Hyung." Jimin said rolling his eyes and laughing in hysterics.

"M-me?" Yoongi said in shock.

"Yes you." Jimin said walking closer.

"I'm gay hyung. I know I should have told you before you moved in but I didn't want you to hate me."

"I could never hate you Jiminie. I won't lie I'm bi and I've had a giant crush on you since I first met you. I'd only lie to myself if I said otherwise."

"W-w-wait. You have a crush on me!?"

"Yep." Yoongi said looking down.




"Now I feel like I've wasted time not going out on dates with you to get to know you better and more personal than just roommates." Yoongi said looking down sadly.

Jimin happily said "Then today can be our first date and we can see how it goes." Before taking Yoongi's hand in his making The older blush.

"Let's get going to the restaurant I have my wallet and we can grab a taxi outside."

"I need to grab my money-"

"It's on me hyung as a thank you and a first date."

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