Part 4: Jimin?

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Yoongi was sat at the counter like he normally did and Hoseok was going around the shop unboxing stuff when the door bell rang.

"Jimin?" "Hoseok hyung?" Both boys said at the same time causing Yoongi to look up confused.

At the realization that the cute pink haired boy from the other day was at his other job Yoongi couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock.

Dang he looked even cuter today was the only thing Yoongi could think as he looked Jimin up and down admiring his choice in outfit.

Jimin wore light blue dungarees with a long sleeved plain white shirt under it, the shirt being long enough to give him sleeve paws, the look accompanied by plain white high top converse.

'Dang' Yoongi thought looking at the converse which he disliked due to his friend Namjoon excessive love for them.

"I thought you were saving up for something?" Hoseok asked causing Jimin to nod slightly before quietly saying "I got it."

Yoongi noticed the small tears welling up in Jimin's eyes which caused him to jump into action before Hoseok could notice.

"Hoseok can you go in the back and grab my phone please?" Yoongi said hiding his phone on his back pocket.

"Um sure, help Jimin out would ya." He said going into the back just as Jimin's tears started to roll out of his delicate eyes.

Yoongi let out a sigh before leaving from behind the till walking up to the teary eyed younger.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked in a calm voice trying not to make the boy cry more.

Jimin simply responding by nodding quickly and wiping his tears away with a frown on his lips.

"You don't look okay." Yoongi said, quickly realizing what he said could be taken as a insult thus saying.

"Not like you don't look okay, y-you do. You look great. I meant like s-sad. Not that you were ugly because your not, your handsome and cute and..." Yoongi quickly said before internally face palming realizing how he basically was drooling over the boy.

Either way what ever Yoongi did worked causing the younger to smile, stopping the tears.

Yoongi let out a quick sigh of relief before turning his panicked face into a sweet smile.

"So you know Hoseok then?" Yoongi said trying to change topic.

At first Jimin simply nodded playing with his sweater before continuing "We both work at a dance studio." Quietly.

"That's cool, so do you like dancing then?" Yoongi asked in a interested voice causing the youngest face to light up more.

"Yep, dancing is one of my favorite things to do." He said in response, letting out a giggle after trying not to regress into his little headspace which he could feel himself slipping too.

Little Jimin was more confident than big Jimin due to Jimin's shy personality, he found it easier to be little when running small tasks as it reduced some of the stress of the situation.

"What else do you like?" Yoongi asked still showing interest, leaning back on the counter and removing his phone from his pocket.

"I like drawing, watching cartoons, playing games and-" Jimin then let out the largest gasp before raiding his cute, tiny hands and pointing at Yoongi's phone.

Yoongi is response just smiled and raised his finger to his lips indicating for Jimin not to say anything, Jimin nodding quickly in response before cutely 'zipping his lips shut.'

"Do you like sweets?" Yoongi asked causing Jimin's jaw to drop before responding "how'd ya know?"

"It was a guess." Yoongi said before laughing softly.

"Wow your like a mind reader." Jimin said in awe slipping further into his headspace.

"If I was a kind reader I'd know your name." Yoongi said lowkey flirting not adding the phone number part to what he said.

"My name is Jimin~ and I'm 20 years old." He said smiling brightly before looking up at Yoongi and tilting his head indicating he was curious.

Yoongi took the hint and introduced himself saying "I'm Min Yoongi and I'm 22 years old."

"So your my hyung?" Jimin said with his eyes shining brightly.

"Yuhuh." Yoongi said back noticing Hoseok leaving the stock room.

"Hyung your phone is behind you on the side." Hoseok said walking over and picking up the phone.

"Sorry Hoseok I didn't notice." Yoongi said rubbing the back of his head innocently.

"So what sweets where you looking for Jimin?" Yoongi said turning his attention back to the boy in front of him.

"Hmmm... lollipops!"

"Any specific type?"

"Yellow. Yellow lollipops." He said not knowing the flavor or anything like that.

"Lemon?" Hoseok asked slightly confused, Yoongi just going up to the top shelf bringing down the yellow lollies he saw in front of him.

"These ones?" Yoongi asked placing them on the counter getting a swift "Yep." In response.

"How many do you want?"

"Eight please."

"That's... eight times twenty... one pound sixty pence... Anything else?"

"Nope, thank you." Jimin said handing over the money he had in his hand before leaving not getting the change.

Yoongi just looked at the five pound note in front of him surprised, going to run after him before noticing he was already gone.

"You work together right?" Yoongi said to Hoseok who looked as confused as Yoongi was.


"Can you give him his change please?" Yoongi asked looking at his coworker and friend kindly.

"I couldn't say no even if I wanted too." Hoseok said letting out a quiet sigh.

"Thank you Hobi." Yoongi said with a gummy smile causing Hoseok to mutter something inaudible under his breath.

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