Part 29: Obstacle course

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Yoongi re-entered Jimin's room after knocking twice getting a muffled giggle in response.

He walked in cautiously having a feel the little would be ready to attack and from the looks of things he was.

Jimin had rearranged everything in his room building almost a course of obstacles that Yoongi had no clue about the path through but he accepted he challenge.

He went to lower ground crouching so that Jimin wouldn't be able to see where he was as he crawled around the set of draws that were now near the door.

He heard another giggle coming from the other side of the draws looking and seeing Jimin quickly crawling around the other side.

Yoongi and Jimin both crawling in circles laughing as they tried to get one and other dodging the other at the same time.

This carried on for a while until Yoongi started to feel tired from doing it.

His plan changed from going in circle on the floor to going over the draws which he did successfully meeting the youngers face who let out a happy scream before scurrying begins the mattress which was stood up knowing Yoongi wouldn't be able to go over it.

Jimin made a sound that Yoongi assumes was him blowing a raspberry which caused Yoongi to grumble "you little-" before stopping himself aware of the rules.

This just made Jimin giggle more leaving a trail of sound for Yoongi to follow which he knew would eventually lead to the younger.

Yoongi kept crawling until he finally found a shaking blanket with giggles coming from under it.

He quietly snuck up on the blanket standing next to it for a few moments counting to himself.




He quickly pulled of the blanket to which Jimin threw his teddies as defends before launching his own attack going to tickle the elder.

Unfortunately this attack failed causing Jimin to slip on one of his many teddies he pulled out, beginning to fall backwards before Yoongi grabbed his hand pulling him forward so he wouldn't hit his head.

Jimin landed in Yoongi's lap head butting the elder.

"Sowwy Daddy." Jimin said innocently, rubbing his head where they touched.

"It's okay baby. Is your head okay?"

"Hmm yep... WAIT WAIT. NO." Jimin said a evil smile on his face.

Yoongi raised his eyebrow before repeating back "No?" Which caused the younger to nod.

"Minnie needs daddy to kiss his hwead better." Jimin said looking up with puppy dog eyes.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes before smiling and moving Jimin's hand, kissing Jimin's head where his hand had been covering it.

"Minnie has hurt his lips daddy." Jimin said pointing to his pouty lips.

"Really baby because if they are that sore daddy doesn't want to make them worse." Yoongi said smirking at he younger who folded his arms in a strop.

"I'm joking baby." Yoongi said brushing Jimin's hair back off his face before giving him a swift kiss on the lips.

Jimin's eyes lit up as he puckered his lips indicating he wanted more.

"If Minnie wants more he's gonna have to kiss daddy himself." Yoongi said curious as to if Jimin would.

He would.

Jimin raised his small hand placing them on Yoongi's cheeks pushing them together before placing multiple sloppy kisses on his lips.

Yoongi couldn't help but giggle at the youngers action wanting to covering him in kisses because of his cuteness.

"Minnie has the best daddy." Jimin said before giggling with a blushing face.

"Daddy has the best baby." Jimin said in response playing with the younger on his laps hair.

"Big and little Jiminie likes daddy lots. Lots lots." Jimin responded now even happier.

"Daddy likes big and little Jiminie a lot too." Yoongi said before kissing Jimin's cheek softly whispering "lots." Causing the younger to giggle and bury his face in Yoongi's neck.

"What are we gonna do about your room?" Yoongi then asked looking at the obstacle course which was Park Jimin's bed room.

"Big Jiminie will clean it later. Daddy and Minnie get to play now." Jimin said standing up pulling the elder with him.

"Okay Minnie." Yoongi said completely whipped for the younger not able to say no even though he had a hunch that big Jiminie would make a appearance today.

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